Collective agreements and salary scales

Reykjavík City’s collective agreements and salary scales.

ASÍ, affiliates:

BHM, affiliates:

KÍ, affiliates:

Félag stjórnenda leikskóla (Association of Preschool Directors)

Outside Alliances:

Previous salary scales.

2018 salary scales

2017 salary scales

2016 salary scales

2015 salary scales

Salary scales 2011-2013

* The following associations are job evaluation associations:

  • Efling Union
  • Rafiðnaðarsamband Íslands, electrical industry association of Iceland
  • Samiðn, Federation of Labor Unions
  • Starfsmannafélag Reykjavíkurborgar (City of Reykjavík Employees' Union)
  • SFR, public service union
  • Iðjuþjálfafélag Íslands (Icelandic Association of Occupational Therapists)
  • Sálfræðingafélag Íslands (Icelandic Psychological Association)
  • Félagsráðgjafafélag Íslands (Icelandic Association of Social Workers)
  • Stéttarfélag bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðinga (Union of Library and Information Science Professionals)
  • Stéttarfélag háskólamanna á matvæla og næringarsviði, union of food and nutrition academics
  • Stéttarfélag sjúkraþjálfara (Union of Physical Therapists)
  • Þroskaþjálfafélag Íslands (Icelandic Association for Developmental Therapy)
  • Kjarafélag tæknifræðingafélags Íslands, labor union of the association of technical specialists in Iceland
  • Stéttarfélag verkfræðinga (Union of Engineers)
  • Verkstjórasamband Íslands (Icelandic Association of Foremen)

** Associations in Huggarður that do not have job evaluations:

  • Kjarafélag viðskipta- og hagfræðinga, labor union of business and economics professionals
  • Stéttarfélag lögfræðinga, (Union of Lawyers)
  • Fræðagarður (the union of university graduates)

Salary scales 2008-2010