Children and youth
Children in Reykjavík take part in solid school and recreation activities, giving them the education and experience to realize their dreams and positively impact their environment and society. They are from all over the world and speak a wide range of languages.
Reykjavík City provides a wide range of services to all these children and their families that contribute to their well-being and prosperity.
What do you want to explore next?
- Preschools Learning in the first stage of school happens through play.
- Primary schools Dreams can come true.
- Recreation It just has to be fun.
- Day parents First steps away from home.
- Music education Music enriches and creates connections.
- School and welfare services Services for children and families.
- Child protection Support for children and parents.
- Digital learning Creative technologies.
- The School of Work Summer is the time.
- Gender Equality Academy Equality and sex education for all levels of schooling.
Primary schools
Children in Iceland start compulsory primary school in the year they turn six. Parents have a choice of primary school, but if the number of pupils in individual schools has to be limited, students have priority in their school district.
Reykjavík City operates over 60 preschools with almost 6,000 children. Children in preschool should enjoy their childhood and learn and develop playing together.
Day parents
Reykjavík has independent day parents who look after children from 6 months old. The City grants them work permits and carries out statutory supervision of their activities.
Child protection
Reykjavík Child Protection Services (CPS) assists children and parents with serious problems ensure the future well-being and safety of children through a wide range of counseling, support and professional solutions.
Music education
Music education is available for children and youth in all city districts, both in school orchestras and in music schools that have service contracts with Reykjavík City.
In recreational activities, there is an opportunity to learn through play. Children increase their development and skills through a wide range of games and puzzles.
The School of Work
Nú hefur Vinnuskóli Reykjavíkur lokið störfum sumarið 2024. Búið er að loka þjónustuskrifstofu Vinnuskólans en við svörum öllum fyrirspurnum sem berast á tölvupóstfangið okkar
Vinnuskólinn er ábyrgðaraðili persónuupplýsinga barna sem vinna þar sem og foreldra þeirra og ber Vinnuskólinn ábyrgð á því að unnið sé með persónuupplýsingar í samræmi við persónuverndarlög. Frekari upplýsingar um vinnslu persónuupplýsinga sem á sér stað í Vinnuskóla Reykjavíkurborgar má finna á síðu Vinnuskólans undir verkefni og vinnuvernd; vinnsla persónuupplýsinga í Vinnuskóla Reykjavíkur.
Child prosperity services
A new act on integrated services for a child's prosperity took effect on January 1, 2022. The purpose of the act is to ensure that children and guardians receive the right assistance at the right time from the right people.
Families and children in need of early support are guaranteed access to a child prosperity contact person in the child's local environment, such as in preschool or primary school.
Peer Education Center
The Peer Education Center is staffed with young people aged 16 to 20 who go and talk to other young people about the self-image and life in general. The philosophy is that it is better for young people to reach their peers than others.
Digital Growth
Digital Growth is a support website for the introduction of advanced and creative technologies for the City’s schools and recreation. Here is information on learning devices, software and privacy and guidance for staff, students, and parents.
Hitt Húsið Youth Center
Hitt Húsið is a youth center for young people aged 16–25 in the fields of culture and art, leisure, information and advice, employment, and prevention. At Hitt Húsið Youth Center, young people can use the facilities to sing, dance, dream, create, learn, play, meet up, and more. Hitt Húsið Youth Center houses various associations and organizations for young people.