City Administration

The City Council governs the City of Reykjavík within the framework of the Local Authorities Act. City Council has 23 City Councilors elected in democratic elections by Reykjavík City residents.
The Mayor of Reykjavík is the managing director of the city and is appointed by City Council. The Mayor is Reykjavík City’s chief of staff. The Mayor and City Executive Council are in charge of Reykjavik City activities and financial management.
The Mayor of Reykjavík is the City’s chief of staff. The Mayor is appointed by City Council.

City Council
City Council is the highest decision-making body of the City of Reykjavík. City Council has 23 City Councilors and 23 Deputy City Councilors. Regular meetings of the City Council take place on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

City Executive Council
The City Executive Council, together with the Mayor, are in charge of Reykjavík City activities and financial management. The City Executive Council has seven city councilors and seven alternates elected by City Council for one year at a time. City Council elects a chair and a deputy chair who shall be City Councilors.

City councilors
There are 23 representatives in City Council called city councilors and an equal number of alternates. They are elected by the voting population of Reykjavík. City Council is elected in general elections every four years. It is not possible to vote again before the term has elapsed, as opposed to Alþingi.