Frequent questions about Reykjavík City

What do you want to know?
Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about the City's services. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can contact us by clicking on the chat window in the corner.
Primary school
Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about primary schools.
After-school program
Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about after-school programs.
Snow removal
Main routes, bus routes, and collecting roads are a priority for snow clearing. Residential streets are cleared if they are hard to drive in private vehicles, they are very slippery, or if the snow is higher than 15 cm (about 6’’). However, we do not always follow this rule. Snow clearing is limited to making streets drivable. Snowbanks—that Reykjavík does not clear—will likely form by driveways.
You can get salt and sand at Reykjavík City's District Depots.
Electronic applications
All applications can be found on My Pages, both electronic ones and those still on paper forms. Paper applications can either be filled out and sent by email, or printed and returned to the service desk in Borgartún or at a local Service Center.
Reykjavík City employment
The City of Reykjavík is both the largest municipality and workplace in Iceland. We have over 450 diverse work locations, with approximately 11,000 employees. All vacancies are advertised on the City’s website.

Parking spaces
Parking citations (often called parking fines) are of two types:
- Extra parking charge - when payment has not been made for the use of a chargeable parking space or payment has been made for too little time.
- Parking violation charges - when a vehicle is parked illegally.
You can pay a charge for a parking citation (often called a parking ticket) this way:
- Pay on the web
- Selecting unpaid bills in your online bank and paying it in the same way as any other bill
- Go to your bank and pay it there
It is not possible to pay a parking citation (often called a parking fine) by transfer.
1. Open the 'payment slip' (I. greiðsluseðlar) form in your online bank. Have the ticket with the charge (the parking fine) at hand.
2. Enter the invoice reference as printed on the ticket. The invoice reference is at the bottom of the ticket and is set up as follows:
- ID number of the Parking Service
- Charge number
- Category 03, Bank 513, Account type 66
- Due date (be sure to enter the due date that is on the ticket, not any other date)
- ID number of the vehicle owner.
When paying in an online bank, it is best to use a browser, not an app.
- You can also pay on the web
Yes. You can request a review by submitting a request within 28 days from the date of the charge. The general processing time is 2-4 weeks.
You can apply for a Resident Parking Permit (I. íbúakort) if:
- you are legally resident within a paid parking zone in Reykjavík, or in a defined Resident Parking Permit Zone
- there is no parking spot on your property,
- if you are a registered owner or keeper of a vehicle in the Vehicle Register,
- the debt to the Parking Service has not been submitted to a collection agency.
As a tenant, you must present the property owner's consent when applying for a resident parking permit.
Reykjavík has four different tariff zones with varying prices. The zones are P1, P2, P3, and P4. Detailed information on the fees can be found on the Reykjavík Parking Service website.
Reykjavík City operates 7 parking garages: Stjörnuport, Vitatorg, Kolaport, Vesturgata, City Hall, Traðarkot, and Bergstaðir. The prices vary between parking garages. Detailed information about fees, opening hours, number of spaces, available spaces, and specific locations can be found on the Reykjavík Parking Service's website.
Property rates
Property rates are collected in online banks. You can view payment slips for property rates in your online bank under "Electronic Documents / Online Overview” (rafræn skjöl/netyfirlit).
Payment slips are generally not sent by mail unless specifically requested. You can also request to receive your payment slip electronically.
Reykjavík City may reduce or cancel property rates for low-income old age and disability pensioners. You do not need to apply specifically for this discount. It is automatically applied after a review of tax returns for old-age and disability pensioners.
Swimming pools
Children (0—16* years) – Free
Children (16*-17 years) – 195 kr.
Adults (18 years and older) — 1,210 kr.
Senior citizens aged 67 and over — Free
*Based on August 1 of the birthday year.
10-year-old children are allowed to go swimming without an escort. The age limit is based on June 1 of the year the child turns 10.
Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to go swimming unless accompanied by someone over the age of 15 who can swim.
Yes, you can find information about accessibility at the City's pools on the web. Click on the swimming pool you want to know more about to see how the facilities are.
When are the swimming pools open?
Municipal swimming pools are open every day of the week. Most days of the year, swimming pools have regular opening hours.
There are different opening hours around Christmas, Easter, and other public holidays, and they vary by pool.

Waste collection FAQ
Do you have any questions about waste collection, sorting, or recycling?

Services for older people
You can apply for driving services by completing the online application form or by handing in a filled-out and printed application at City Centers.
Apply for home-delivered meals by completing an online application or submitting a filled-out printed application at City centers.
Where can I get the blueprints for my house?
All master plans for buildings are available in Reykjavík City's blueprint archive. Secondary plans, not yet in the blueprint archive, can be viewed at the Service Center in Höfðatorg. Blueprints are available all weekdays from 8:30am to 3pm.

Employment certificate
- To request a employment certificate, please log in to our support website.
- You must use an electronic ID or an Ice Key for identification.
- Please direct your information request to your most recent workplace at Reykjavík City.
- You will receive the certificate by email. Please provide a valid email address and mobile number on the support website (should we need to contact the applicant).
- Your case will be processed within two weeks from the date we receive it. Please specifically mention if your case concerns a work certificate for the Directorate of Labor.
A certificate of employment is a confirmation from a previous employer of the job title and hours that an employee performed. They are used, among other things, to confirm an individual's experience and seniority.
Employment certificates from previous employers can therefore have an impact on the level of pay and sick leave entitlement of the employee (in government or municipal jobs).