Reykjavík City Service Center
Mon–Thu 8:30am–4pm
Fri 8:30am–2:30pm
Borgartún 12–14
105 Reykjavík

Frontline service of Reykjavík City
Our frontline team aims to resolve as many issues as possible during our first interaction. If we need to forward cases to our specialists, we're committed to doing so in a safe and efficient manner to minimize waiting times for our service users. Our team operates in line with the Service Policy of Reykjavík City.
You can contact the Service Center via Live Chat or our Suggestion Portal, by email at, or by phone at 411 1111. You're welcome to visit us at our front desks located at Borgartún 12–14 and Reykjavík City Hall.
Service Center opening hours are 8:30am to 4pm from Monday to Thursday, and 8:30am to 2:30pm on Fridays.