City Grants

The application deadline for City Grants in 2024 was September 30, 2024.
A total of 413 applications were received, divided into the following categories:
- Social activities and welfare: 86
- Sports and youth: 50
- Human rights: 17
- Culture: 226
- Other: 15
The Municipal Treasury provides grants to NGOs, businesses, and individuals for activities, projects, and events consistent with Reykjavík’s strategic objectives, focus, and priorities.
Grants will be awarded for projects involving the following:
- Social activities and welfare
- Sports and youth
- Human rights
- Culture
How to apply?
You can apply for grants online via My Pages.
Applications must be received by the deadline. Activities, events or projects are not funded retroactively. Applications for grants are assessed based on Reykjavík City’s rules on grants and the City’s Human Rights Policy, as well as the procedures for the relevant policy area. See details at the bottom of the page.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following
- The objectives described and whether they are likely to be achieved
- Whether the work and time schedule is realistic
- Whether it is possible to assess the progress of the project
- The expected results and benefits of the project in question
- Budget documents along with clarification of alternative financing
- How well the application matches Reykjavík City’s Human Rights Policy and the objectives of gender-budgeting
- The procedures for the relevant policy area and City department
Guidelines for individuals
You can apply for grants and submit final reports for funded projects through My Pages on this website. Digital authentication is necessary to log into My Pages.
Under the "Styrkir" (Grants) service category, click "Umsókn um styrk úr borgarsjóði" (Application for City Grant) for grant applications and "Lokaskýrsla - Styrkur úr borgarsjóði" (Final Report - City Grant) for project final reports. After an application has been submitted, you can view it and track its status under My Cases on My Pages.
Guidelines for Companies and NGOs
Company representatives may identify themselves digitally through My Pages to apply on behalf of a company or association.
Once logged in, the user clicks on services, ‘Þjónusta’. Under the service category for grants ‘Styrkir’, click on ‘Umsókn um styrk úr borgarsjóði’ for your City Grant application. After an application has been submitted, the company representative can view it and track its status under My Cases on My Pages.