Tenders and procurement

The Office of Financial Services and Counseling (formerly the Procurement Office) handles all types of tender processes for Reykjavík City's buyers, including competitive negotiations, contract negotiations, pre-selections, tenders, quick tenders and price inquiries for goods, services and construction projects.

The office provides advice and assistance to Reykjavík City purchasing agents in tender matters and public procurement, but does not engage in procurement.


Fyrirtæki geta sótt um að gera samning við Reykjavíkurborg um að veita kaupendum Reykjavíkurborgar afsláttarkjör af vöru og þjónustu. Fylla þarf út umsóknarblað og senda á utbod@reykjavik.is


Role of the office:

The Office of Financial Services and Counseling ensures that Reykjavík City's procurements comply with applicable laws and regulations. The Office is responsible for awarding contracts following calls for tenders and provides services, advice, and education in relation to procurement matters and procurement procedures.

Each department of the City of Reykjavík is responsible for conducting procurement in accordance with the City's Procurement Policy and Procurement Rules (Article 6 of the Reykjavík City Procurement Rules).

Contact us

Please direct all general inquiries to utbod@reykjavik.is.