
Reykjavík City's system of governance is divided into two parts. First, councils, committees and boards composed of elected representatives (or their appointees). Their role includes policy-making, working on issues concerning City interests, and overseeing City institutions. Second, departments, offices and City-owned companies. Officials and other City employees work there, implementing City rules and approvals.
What do you want to explore next?
- Councils, committees, and boards City councils, committees and boards.
- Departments Reykjavík City specialized departments.
- City Hall Offices Roles of City Hall offices.
- Company Reykjavík City owned companies.
- Internal Audit & Consulting Internal audit.
- Policies Policies by sector and across issues.
- Approvals and rules Approvals and rules.
- Organization chart Reykjavík City.
Councils, committees, and boards
City Council holds elections for multiple councils, committees, and boards acting under its authority. The Resolution on the Management of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes specifies the councils, committees, and boards in question, and City Council elects their members.

City departments
Reykjavík City departments are named in accordance with the councils they serve. Directors administer the departments under the authority of the Mayor, and also draft policy direction with the councils.

City Hall Offices
City Hall houses the City's central administration, consisting of several offices with defined roles.

Information about companies partly owned by Reykjavík City.

Internal Audit & Consulting
Reykjavík City's Internal Audit & Consulting provides advice to city residents, internal auditing and data protection. It also accepts comments about legal violations and other reprehensible conduct from employees and residents.

Approved policies and strategic plans of Reykjavík City. A policy refers to a dated document setting out a philosophy, a vision, and objectives that are implemented using benchmarks and funded actions.

Approvals and rules
Want to learn more about Reykjavík City's policies and approvals?

Organization chart
The City of Reykjavík organization chart shows how the City's governance system is structured.