Enhance the use of digital solutions in Reykjavík City's welfare services

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Our goal is to increase the use of digital solutions to enhance user experience, simplify internal processes, and make better use of data for the benefit of our service users. We aim to modernize the core systems of the Department of Welfare and ensure their integration.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2025

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

This is an extensive project. The Online Center has worked on many improvement projects in recent years. Currently, the Center is running eight major projects of this kind. My Pages is now live and allows you to apply for all Department of Welfare services. The Consultant system is under development and is expected to be fully operational for all categories this year. Implementation of dala.care for home, support, and support programs is in its early stages. Ósk/Veita is a lower priority, and the system for Child Protection Services is under review.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023

Several projects are underway in the Department of Welfare to fulfill this initiative. The system "S5" has been implemented to process applications for social housing, serviced apartments, and specialized housing for disabled people. The system "The Consultant" is ready for counseling, service assessment, service execution, and more for disabled people. Implementation is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of August 2023. Expansion of The Consultant is in progress to include home support as well. A procurement process is underway for the new VEL Support System (Home Service and Housing System). This will allow staff to electronically record messages and comments on provided services. The system simplifies staff duties and ensures the security of information that was previously recorded on paper and handed over during shift changes. Five bids were received, and evaluation is ongoing.

January 2023 All applications that should be accessible online have been digitized. Some should not be directed to the Online Center, in which case the Reykjavík City website guides residents. The Online Center collaborates with the Department of Services & Innovation on countless projects, focusing on digitization and process efficiency.
July 2022

All applications that should be accessible online have been digitized. Some should not be directed to the Digital Center, such as home nursing and employment and activity for disabled people. In these cases, residents are directed in the right direction from the Reykjavík City website.

The Digital Center is working on numerous projects with the Department of Service & Innovation aimed at digitalization and streamlining processes, e.g., improvements to financial assistance in Ósk/Veita, transfer of driving services to My Pages/Veita, implementation of the Counselor for advice and support services in the disability category, S5 for social rental housing, analysis and design of processes in the activity and counseling category with the aim of transferring the category to the Counselor, digital transformation of school services in parallel with the Better City for Children project, tendering work on home care and residential systems, digital solutions in the Department of Welfare statistics, implementation of Hlaðan, M365, Teams phone system, and more.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies: