6. Human rights, increased participation, and improved dialogue with residents

A City for People

Green Deal goals in social affairs.

Inclusion is the goal of Reykjavík City in human rights and democracy, giving residents the opportunity to work with the City to improve their living conditions and environment.

  • Residents are not discriminated against due to their origins, ethnicity, class, language, color, religious beliefs, philosophical beliefs, political views, atheism, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender traits, age, disability, physique, body form, health, physical ability, or other status
  • Reykjavík City places equality, safety, and human rights at the heart of all its work, fights against multiple discrimination, and emphasizes a holistic view for the well-being of its residents
  • Reykjavík City encourages inclusive democratic participation of residents and support their various ways of influencing their local community, decision-making, and the administration of the municipality
  • Democratic processes are active, based on a cycle of democratic practices about listening, critiquing, changing and communicating wherein regular interactive conversations with residents and stakeholders take place. It's important to reach all kinds of people and diverse groups
  • Access to all city residents to vote is ensured with good accessibility and clear information
  • Reykjavík City works towards a digital transformation that enables easy access to information for all groups and gives them a voice