1. For All of Us

A City for People

Green Deal goals in social affairs.

The aim of Reykjavík City is to provide welfare services that promote the well-being of residents and ensure that Reykjavík is for everyone.

Reykjavík City's Welfare Policy is a framework for an ambitious welfare service that aims to enhance quality of life and promote the ability of all Reykjavík residents to live with dignity.

  • The basic approach in the City's welfare service is that no two individuals are the same. Everyone's case is assessed on its own terms and services are tailored to each individual
  • Welfare services are complex and varied. They are organized in a user-friendly, comprehensive, and efficient manner and made accessible and close to those in need of the service
  • Services involving health and happiness are characterized by empathy, care, harm-reducing approach, and above all respect for the individual. No one is given up on, and empowerment and self-help is encouraged
  • Welfare service is based on preventative measures where reliable information and indications are used for prevention
  • Responsiveness to people's diverse needs is key to trust in the welfare service
  • Welfare services employ professional and forward-thinking staff who collaborate on successful solutions in line with the latest knowledge and technology