Gender Equality Academy

Teikning af kennara fyrir framan töfluna í kennslustofu.

The Gender Equality School creates a platform for education, counseling, and support regarding equality education, human rights, and sexual health. It serves City staff in school and recreational activities, as well as children and parents when applicable.

The Gender Equality School received the 2023 Icelandic Education Awards' Incentive Prize for its invaluable work in sharing knowledge and providing advice to SFS managers and staff on equality and sexual health issues.


LGBT+ and gender education

Here you can view a toolkit with projects relating to LGBT+ and gender education.


Sex education

View the toolkit with projects related to sex education


Equality education

The goal of equality education is to create opportunities for all children to develop on their own terms


Week6 is the sixth week of the year. It has become established as an annual sexual health week in all primary schools and recreation centers. During Week6, all children and adolescents in the City should receive some form of sex education. Find sex education for all primary school levels here.

Ungmenni situr við sjó í bol með skilaboum um jafnrétti

International Children's Rights Day November 20

The Gender Equality Academy prepared educational materials for the day.

The 2024 theme was intersectionality.

The educational material is divided into four age groups:

Illustration of four people.

Questions and answers about sex education and LGBT+ education

Why is LGBT+ education important? Or sex education? Do parents have the right to remove a child from school during LGBT+ education or sex education? Find answers to various questions about sex education and LGBT+ education for children here.

The Gender Equality Academy is on Instagram and Tik Tok

On Instagram, there's a page for the oldest grades of primary school called #jafnrettisskolinn.vika6. There you'll find various knowledge about sexual health and you can follow in 'stories' what the city's youth centers and primary schools are doing throughout the week. The Gender Equality Academy's TikTok page is called: @jafnrettisskolinn.vika6

Hávaxinn manneskja með sítt hár í pilsi með loðna leggi.

Protect All Children!

Recordings from presentations at a digital seminar on the importance of sex education and LGBT+ education. The seminar "Protect All Children!" was held on November 20, 2023.

Auglýsing fyrir málstofuna "Verndum öll börn!" 20. nóvember 2023.

Are You Normal?

Here, an exciting project is offered where adolescents get the opportunity to reflect on society's narrow framing of what it means to be normal. The project includes education in video format and ends with a photo exhibition of participants' works.

Drengur að mála sig um augun með maskara

But I Was Alone!

The lecture series, But I was alone! Boys' Self-Image and the System is held in partnership with the Reykjavík Gender Equality Academy, Geðhjálp, and the University of Iceland's Faculty of Educational Sciences. Find videos from the conference here.

Gul mynd með svartri skuggamynd af ungmenni. Inni í skuggamynd er völundarhús. Texti sem segir En ég var einn! Sjálfsmynd stráka og kerfið.

Project managers of the Gender Equality Academy