School of Work

The Reykjavík School of Work has finished operations for summer 2024. The School of Work service office is now closed. We will answer all inquiries sent to

The School of Work is responsible for the personal data of children working there and their parents. The School of Work must process personal data in accordance with privacy laws. More information about personal data processing at the Reykjavík School of Work is available on the School of Work website under Projects and Work Safety: Personal Data Processing at Reykjavík School of Work.

The School of Work office has assigned groups for the upcoming summer. Students have received job confirmations. The School of Work's main role is to provide upper primary school students with constructive summer jobs and education in a safe work environment. Students in grades 8, 9, and 10 can work on a wide range of assignments in Reykjavík, mostly involving gardening and maintenance.


Parents enroll their adolescent children using an electronic enrollment form for the School of Work. An electronic ID or IceKey is required. All registered students from grades 8, 9, and 10 will be given a job.


Information about hourly wages, pay periods, pay slips, vacation payments, personal tax credits, illness, and permits.

Daily working hours

Grade 8

  • Students work for 3.5 hours a day.
  • The daily work schedule for groups is either 8:15am–11:45am or 12:15pm–3:45pm.

Grades 9 and 10

  • Students work for 7 hours a day.
  • The daily work schedule is 8:30am–3:30pm.

Employment period

All grades

Each student will be allocated work during one working period in the summer of 2024.

  • The first period is June 10 to July 1
  • The second period is July 2 to July 22
  • The third period is July 23 to August 13

Each period has 15 working days. Work is carried out all weekdays except holidays. There is no work on statutory holidays.


Students are grouped by their age and place of residence. Today, it is rare for students to join groups outside their district.

In a few cases, students from grades 9 and 10 are grouped together, usually when their school has fewer students.

Usually, students are grouped with their peers from the same school—friends should not expect to be put in the same group. We believe that it is healthy for everyone to meet new people and work with someone other than their closest friends.

Workplaces & Facilities

We have workplaces at most of Reykjavík’s primary schools, so many students are put in the group at the closest school to where they live. A few workplaces are located inside the district, or in public parks, and 1 or 2 are outside Reykjavík.

  • Since all work is conducted outdoors, it is essential that students wear protective clothing and good work shoes. The School of Work provides work gloves to students.
  • All workplaces have facilities for meal breaks. Since we do not have access to schools, we use work sheds.
  • It is important that students pack a good lunch and drinks, because they are not expected to go shopping during meal and coffee breaks.
  • Students with facilities in work sheds have access to dry toilets, or bathrooms at the school.

Assignments & Worker Safety

The School of Work is an open-air school, and most of the school's assignments are focused on maintaining greenery and garden beds around Reykjavík.


There are some painting projects every summer—mostly intended for students with and they are especially conceived for students with plant allergies.


The Reykjavík School of Work emphasizes providing students with a positive experience and education in their first steps in the job market.


The School of Work provides education on pay slips, resumes, work ethics and income tax. The education is tailored to the students' age.

Any other questions?

Send inquiries to

or call us at 411-1111

  • Office of the School of Work- Borgartún 12–14, 105 Reykjavík.
  • The School of Work Service Center - Fiskislóð 37C, 101 Reykjavík.