Democracy Day and Classroom Economy among award-winning projects

School and recreation

All award recipients together in one photo.

Hólabrekkuskóli, Foldaskóli and Melaskóli received the Inspiration Award from the School & Recreation Council, while Vogaskóli and the Buskinn youth center received recognition for a collaborative project. The Inspiration Awards are presented annually for outstanding preschool, primary school and recreational activities run by the city. Awards for primary school activities were presented at the annual Ash Wednesday conference yesterday.

The awards aim to highlight the innovative work taking place in the city's school and recreational programs. These awards provide positive encouragement to staff and promote innovation and development. The awards recognize excellence in school and recreational activities and validate that the work can serve as a model for others.

The three projects receiving the Inspiration Awards today directly align with Reykjavík City's Education Policy and connect to its fundamental elements and guiding principles.

Hólabrekkuskóli – On the Move

On the Move is a cultural project for mid-level students at Hólabrekkuskóli that takes students beyond their immediate community, promoting inclusion of all students through enhanced cultural literacy. The project also enhances kinesthetic and spatial intelligence, as well as social development.

Activities include museum visits, walks through Grjótaþorp and Hólavallakirkjugarður cemetery, tours of the Reykjavík School of Visual Arts and the Nordic House, and exploration of the city's statues, among other experiences. Students have opportunities to strengthen their imagination, build independence, and channel their creativity through the project. In spring 2024, the project participated in the Children's Culture Festival and DesignMarch in partnership with the Nordic House.

Strengthens community connections

The selection committee noted that in a world where children's experiences are increasingly delivered through the internet, it's crucial for schools to give students opportunities to pause, venture beyond their familiar surroundings, and experience situations firsthand in real time. On the Move has clear objectives aimed at strengthening students' connections to the community through excursions, cultural literacy and creative expression. The project broadens students' understanding of Reykjavík as a cultural community in its most comprehensive sense. During their outings, and in collaboration with classmates and hosts, students learn about the city's culture, diverse art forms, and creative expression while developing their social and communication skills.

The selection committee believes that the On the Move project builds a foundation for students' future cultural interests and enhances their ability to reflect on their attitudes toward culture and art based on personal feelings and interests, rooted in each student's individual experiences.

Hólabrekkuskóli receiving their award.

Foldaskóli – Classroom Economy, financial education and reward system for 5th grade

The Classroom Economy aligns with Reykjavík's Education Policy by supporting financial literacy, responsibility and sustainability – all critical components in preparing students for life. By connecting mathematics and life skills to real-world situations, the system encourages students to take responsibility for their finances and behavior. The project also strengthens social skills through a reward system that promotes well-being and positive school culture. Students receive monthly wages for various tasks but must also pay typical expenses like rent and electricity, while purchasing personal items needed for learning such as desks and computers. Students can earn extra income through good behavior, reading at home, and other activities, while facing fines for rudeness and other behaviors that don't align with the classroom economy. Additionally, collaboration on the project strengthens home-school connections in support of the policy for comprehensive child development.

Encourages financial discipline

The selection committee's statement reads: "This project teaches children to manage their personal finances and understand the relationship between income, expenses and savings. The project encourages students to develop financial discipline and positive communication skills. The project fosters students' understanding of important aspects of daily life and encourages responsible interactions with others. The project provides a solid foundation for students' future financial literacy while participation strengthens positive relationships between students, teachers, schools and families."

Foldaskóli receiving their award.

Melaskóli - Iceland in the Past

Iceland in the Past is a comprehensive project for 4th grade students that has evolved at Melaskóli over the years and stands out as a favorite among students, family members and teachers. The project aims to familiarize students with the historical life of the Icelandic people. Students learn about the country's natural conditions, seasons, weather and isolation from other nations, as well as the work and customs of Icelanders from the settlement period through the late 19th century. The project paints a picture of the daily lives of adults and children in Iceland in the past. There is significant integration between subjects during the project, with all arts and practical classes creatively woven into the project. Throughout the process, students write a script for a play, culminating with a theatrical performance.

Covers most aspects of human life in Iceland

The selection committee's statement reads: "It was noted that Iceland in the Past is a project that has evolved over the years at Melaskóli. The project has grown significantly and has earned its permanent place in the school's annual activities. The project is very diverse and covers most aspects of human life in Iceland from the smallest to the largest throughout the centuries, with arts and practical classes integrated into its implementation. The project culminates in a play that is entirely created by students based on their experience, impressions and interest sparked by their participation in the project."

Melaskóli receiving their award.

Vogaskóli and Buskinn youth center - Democracy Day

The project received recognition as a collaborative project as it was carried out in connection with the parliamentary elections of Nov. 30, 2024. A group of students in the upper primary school at Vogaskóli organized a candidates' forum where representatives from all political parties running in Reykjavík North, the constituency of the school district, came to the school and answered questions. Students received assistance from Vogaskóli's social studies teacher and a staff member at Buskinn youth center in preparing and conducting the meeting.

Students contacted party representatives, prepared questions for candidates, moderated the meeting and handled impromptu questions from audience members. Students and guests at the meeting were very satisfied with the project and said they learned a lot about democracy, politics and the importance of each individual taking an active part in society.

Promotes active student participation in society

In the selection committee's evaluation of the project, they noted that it represents an outstanding collaborative effort between Vogaskóli students, the social studies teacher and a staff member from Buskinn youth center. The selection committee found it exemplary how students, the school, and the youth center worked hand in hand to bring the project to life based on the students' ideas, priorities, and implementation. It was noted that the project encourages active participation of young students in societal issues such as elections, while developing their democratic thinking and critical analysis of socially important matters.

Vogaskóli and Buskinn receiving their recognition.

Award by Sigrún Huld

This time, award recipients received artwork by Sigrún Huld Hrafnsdóttir, who has been named the artist of Art Without Borders and has held numerous exhibits.