Primary school assessment

The main purpose of comprehensive assessments in primary schools is to provide information that can improve the services the school provides to its students.

Every school puts forth an improvement plan following the assessment, which outlines how the school plans to respond to the suggestions raised in the assessment.

Primary school assessment 2007-2019

Primary school activity assessment 2007-2013

Comprehensive assessments were conducted in 43 primary schools in Reykjavík between 2007 and 2013. The assessments primarily serve as guidance, highlighting the strengths of each school and pointing out areas for improvement as opportunities for reform.

On average, 6-7 primary schools are evaluated each school year.

Here you can find the assessment reports for all the primary schools, but it's important to note that the oldest reports may not accurately reflect the current state of school operations.

Primary school quality criteria

The criteria and indicators for improving quality in primary schools were compiled by the working group for internal and external evaluations at the Department of Education & Youth and were revised and published in 2014. In 2017, the criteria underwent another review by the Directorate of Education, which included representatives from Reykjavík City's Department of Education & Youth.

The new criteria were issued in 2018 and are based on laws and regulations on school activities, and the National Curriculum for Primary Schools. When creating the criteria, the focus and trends of local school districts as well as the Teachers' Association of Iceland were considered, in addition to the Common Future Vision for Primary School Activities for 2007 to 2020. Reykjavík City's own quality criteria for comprehensive evaluation of primary schools were also a factor.

The criteria are split into three sections:

  1. Administration
  2. Learning and teaching
  3. Internal assessment

They are used for external evaluations of primary schools in Reykjavík but also should be useful for the schools' own internal assessments.

The main goal of the external evaluation of primary school activities is for the evaluation to be informative, forward-thinking, geared towards improvement, and enhance operations. The future vision is that through intensive school and recreation, children and adolescents acquire education and experience to realize their dreams and positively impact their environment and society.

Following an external assessment, the primary school delivers an improvement plan to the Preschool Office of Reykjavík’s Department of Education & Youth, demonstrating how the primary school will respond to the recommendations in the assessment on reform opportunities.

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