Internal and external evaluations
Internal and external evaluations of school and recreational activities are conducted based on predetermined quality standards. The assessment is either conducted by workplace managers and staff (internal assessment) or external parties (external assessment).
The Department of Education & Youth emphasizes supporting internal assessment at workplaces, considering it key to improving school and recreational activities.
Reykjavík City's Department of Education & Youth emphasizes systematic internal assessment at all workplaces. This assessment is an integral part of school and recreational activities. It involves professional reflection and data analysis to evaluate the quality of education and whether intended results have been achieved based on predetermined criteria.
External parties conduct external assessments to evaluate school and recreational activities based on specific criteria.
The Ministry of Education and Children is developing a new approach to assessment and monitoring of school activities. This includes new criteria for internal and external assessment of preschools and primary schools, as well as defining the role of municipalities. New criteria are expected to be posted on the Consultation Portal in fall 2024, with review and development of procedures happening concurrently.
Preschool: External evaluation
In fall 2024, the Ministry of Education and Children began work on developing criteria for internal and external assessment in preschools and planning consultation with municipalities on external assessment implementation.
External assessment reports for preschools from 2014-2023, based on Reykjavík City's 2014 criteria, are available here, along with improvement plans and related documents. The Department of Education & Youth and the Directorate of Education conducted external assessments of preschools.
Primary school: External evaluation
In fall 2024, the Ministry of Education and Children began work on developing criteria for internal and external assessment in primary schools and planning consultation with municipalities on external assessment implementation.
External assessment reports by the Department of Education & Youth for primary schools from 2007-2013 and 2014-2019 are available here, along with improvement plans and related documents.
The Directorate of Education has revised quality criteria for primary schools several times since 2018. The most recent revision was in November 2022, considering laws on integrated services for children's welfare and Reykjavík City's Education Policy 2030, 3rd edition.
Recreational activities: External evaluation
External evaluation of recreational activities began in the fall of 2014. By January 2020, at least one after-school program and one youth center in each city district had been evaluated, totaling 10 after-school programs (including 3 run by primary schools) and 5 youth centers.
Reykjavík City published quality criteria and indicators for recreational activities in 2015. The Ministry of Education and Culture has also issued thematic booklets for after-school programs, roles, and self-assessment tools for evaluating recreational activities.
External assessment reports by the Department of Education & Youth for after-school programs and youth centers from 2014-2020 are available here, along with improvement plans and related documents.