Introduction with an image (Hero)

Here is an introductory text for the chapter and a description of the content it has to offer.
Do not include a link in the text in this module.
You can only use illustrations from Hanna.
Island block with illustrations (Island Text & Image)
Here you can choose whether an illustration appears on the left or on the right.

Important announcements can be placed anywhere on the page. Four colors are available. Blue (info), green (success), yellow (warning) and red (critical).
Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)
Here you can choose whether a vector appears left or right.
Let the location depend on the location of the image above.
You can also select two text boxes.
This module is left aligned.
Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)
Although the module is called "text block with vector", it is not necessary to select a vector image.
It is also possible to have two text boxes as can be seen here.
This module is right aligned.
Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)
It's a good idea to use two text boxes if you need to insert longer text and if there are already too many illustrations on the page.
Column three
You can have more than one link in each column.
Text block with picture (City Block)
Here you can choose either a photograph or an illustration and whether it appears on the left or right side. If a photograph is selected, two sizes can be chosen. Let the placement be determined by the position of the photo above.

Stór textablokk með minni mynd (City Block)
Hér er hægt að velja annað hvort ljósmynd eða teikningu og hvort hún birtist vinstra eða hægra megin.
Ef ljósmynd er valin er hægt að velja um tvær stærðir. Látum staðsetninguna ráðast af staðsetningu myndar að ofan.
Hægt er að nota numbering og bráðum verður hægt að nota bullets í þessari einingu:
- Fyrsta skref
- Annað skref
- Þriðja skref
- Punktur eitt
- Punktur tvö
- Punktur þrjú

This module is used for longer text. You can break up the text with subheadings. It is important to use them to make reading easier for users.
You can also put text in a "quote" if it's a citation.
Subheading 2 (H2)
You can also use bullets:
- Reykjavík
- Kópavogur
- Akureyri
Subheading 3 (H3)
Numbering is also available:
- First
- Other
- Third
Subheading 4 (H4)
Accordion FAQ
Here, you can use CK Editor.
Questions (FAQ) are added in two ways:
- Add a new FAQ
- Add existing FAQ
News reference
Process step
First step
An ideal module to use for the steps to go through in the application process.
Second step
Here you cannot use bullets, numbering, boldface, or other doodles.
Third step
Actually, you can't insert links in the text in this module either.
Two columns (Grid Row)
Here you can insert text, images, or videos in two columns. When using a text and an image / video, it is best to have the text on the left side.
You need to use an iFrame and insert an embed code to embed a video.
Images should be 890x500 px in size.

Image gallery (Gallery)
Here is room for text to describe the table's content. Do not enter this text in the table cell itself, as it will distort the table's appearance.
First column | Second column | Third column | Fourth column | Fifth column |
Reykjavík | 45 | 12% | 230,000 kr. | One |
Akureyri | 21 | 17% | 227,000 kr. | Two |
Höfn | 15 | 26% | 201,000 kr. | Three |
Hveragerði | 19 | 31% | 198,000 kr. | Four |
Information (Info)
Contact us at 411 1111 or email
- This is row one of the bullet list
- This is row two of the bullet list
Here you can put text with emphasis.