Department of Service & Innovation
The Department of Service & Innovation is one of the three core departments of the City of Reykjavík. The main role of the Department is to manage internal and external services, lead digital transformation, and promote innovation in City operations.
About the Department
The Department of Service & Innovation handles various tasks and counseling for all departments and offices, subsidiaries, staff, residents, and visitors of the city. The Department works with the relevant departments of the City and is responsible for information technology, data management, documentation, technical reforms, services, and more. The Department also leads the implementation of the current Service Policy of Reykjavík City and provides expert counseling to municipal authorities on relevant issues. Additionally, the Department oversees the operation of the Service Center, administrative buildings, and the Reykjavík Municipal Archives.
Operational units
The Department of Service & Innovation is divided into five offices, in addition to the Reykjavík Municipal Archives. The offices each have different roles but form a strong unit that emphasizes creative collaboration, mutual trust, and respect.
Digital Reykjavík
Responsible for project and product management of digital projects, web matters, quality and risk management, communication matters, and administrative and legal services. Also oversees the team of digital leaders and the activity of the Project Council, which decides which projects will be pursued in digital transformation.
Þröstur Sigurðsson is the Office Manager.
Services & Transformation Office
Is responsible for the coordinated front-line service of Reykjavík City, the operation of the service center, and the maintenance of administrative buildings. Handles the implementation of the City's Service Policy and leads the digital transformation of services and the redesign of service processes.
Arna Ýr Sævarsdóttir is the Office Manager.
Data Service
Is in charge of data management and the practical use of data in the City's operations. The goal of Data Services is to increase data awareness within the City and to drive the utilization of information for decision-making and improved service to staff, residents, and City-owned businesses.
The Head of Office is Inga Rós Gunnarsdóttir.
Information & Record Management Office
Provides counseling to professional and core departments on information and documentation matters. Is responsible for the professional development of the GoPro case and records management system and the central information management system Hlaðan. The Office is also responsible for the implementation, supervision, and development of Reykjavík City's Documentation Policy.
The Head of Office is Óskar Þór Þráinsson.
IT services
It is responsible for managing IT infrastructure and software development for value-adding products for Reykjavík City departments, along with communication and contracts with suppliers.
The Head of Office is Ólafur Sólimann Helgason.
Reykjavík Municipal Archives
It administers matters related to keeping records for Reykjavík City and supervises record storage and record management of obligated parties.
The Municipal Archivist is Svanhildur Bogadóttir.
Indicator lights of the Department of Services & Innovation
People first
User-centered thinking – Coordinated service experiences – Simplicity prioritized
Our core mission is to make life easier for people. All the City’s services are designed around the needs of service users. We work together as a coordinated team to provide a seamless service experience for those who seek our help.
One step ahead
Strong foundations – Informed decisions – Future optimization
Our work is built on a solid foundation of expertise. We make informed, data-driven decisions based on current information. We plan several steps ahead to confidently tackle future tasks.
Always daring
Culture hacking – Creative environment – Leading by example
We have the courage to make bold decisions and lead changes in challenging situations. We thrive in a creative environment where trust, feedback, and teamwork foster professional growth. We lead by example and take action.
Annual reports
- 2023 Annual Report of ÞON
- 2022 Annual Report of ÞON
- 2021 Annual Report of ÞON
- 2020 Annual Report of ÞON
- 2019 Annual Report of ÞON
Contact us
Inquiries and requests can be sent by email to
Suggestions regarding service can be sent through the Reykjavík City Suggestion Portal.
Reykjavík City Service Center is located at Borgartún 12-14. It is open from 8:30am-4:00pm all weekdays. The Service Center's phone number is 411 1111.
The Director is Óskar J. Sandholt.
Organization chart
Fólk í fyrsta sæti
Notendamiðuð hugsun – Samræmd þjónustupplifun – Einfaldleikinn í fyrirrúmi
Kjarni allrar okkar starfsemi miðar að því að einfalda fólki lífið. Öll þjónusta borgarinnar á að vera hönnuð út frá þörfum notenda hennar. Við vinnum saman sem samræmdur vinnustaður sem veitir heildstæða þjónustuupplifun gagnvart þeim sem til okkar leita.

Einu skrefi á undan
Sterkar stoðir – Greindar ákvarðanir – Framtíðarbestun
Við byggjum allt okkar starf á traustum grunni sérþekkingar. Við tökum greindar og gagnadrifnar ákvarðanir út frá fyrirliggjandi upplýsingum. Við hugsum nokkra leiki fram í tímann til að geta örugg tekist á við verkefni framtíðarinnar.

Aldrei hætta að þora
Kúltúrhakk – Skapandi umhverfi – Fyrirmyndir í verki
Við höfum hugrekkið til að taka af skarið og leiða breytingar í krefjandi aðstæðum. Við vinnum í skapandi umhverfi þar sem traust, endurgjöf og teymisstarf búa til nærandi jarðveg fyrir faglegan vöxt. Við erum fyrirmyndir í verki og leiðum með því að gera.

Hafðu samband
Erindi og fyrirspurnir má senda í tölvupósti á
Ábendingar varðandi þjónustu má senda í gegnum ábendingavef Reykjavíkurborgar.
Þjónustuver Reykjavíkurborgar er staðsett í Borgartúni 12-14. Opnunartími er frá 8:30-16:00 alla virka daga. Sími þjónustuvers er 411 1111.
Sviðsstjóri er Óskar J. Sandholt.