Development Viewer

The map shows all the main construction activities in Reykjavik and the permits that have been issued for the use of City land.

How does the Development Viewer work?

By selecting a field on the map, you will get a more detailed description of the work and, in many cases, also a reference to an information page.

For most projects carried out by Reykjavík City, special information pages are created, providing detailed information about the project and its progress.

Major projects by Reykjavík City

On all information pages, liaisons are specified for different projects. We encourage you to get in touch with these liaisons if you need additional information or if you have suggestions regarding the content of the page. Please note that individual projects in the Development Viewer may undergo changes.

Project managers of construction and maintenance, land information division, permit division, and the public relations officer are in charge of the Development Viewer. It was originally used in 2011 as part of the staff's brainstorming efforts to improve project communication.


We are aware that continuous improvements are needed for the Development Viewer, and we gladly accept suggestions at