Project stories

An illustration that describes user-centric services.

How is Reykjavík City’s digital transformation going? The Department of Services & Innovation project stories highlight some of our best work.

The work has been extremely varied and done in cooperation with a variety of stakeholders, including other city departments, residents, and staff.

These projects all relate to services in some way and promote innovation and user-centric thinking in our operations.

Reykjavík — City of Services

Reykjavík is a city of services. Our goal is to provide all-around excellent service.


We are dedicated to addressing any issues that may arise with residents or staff quickly and safely, and making information about city services easily accessible.

Teikning af fólki að veita og þiggja þjónustu.

Project and product management

The digital journey is primarily about changing attitudes. Our biggest challenge is often not the technology itself, but figuring out how to create the most value to bridge the gap from needs to ready-made technological solutions.


Project and product management plays a big role in ensuring that we are efficiently using our resources, and that the quality and sustainability of our projects and products are constantly improving. By considering the changing needs of users, we can continue to improve the services we offer. 


Accessible and informative websites

Our Web Division works closely with city departments to provide a variety of web development services.


We currently operate over two hundred websites and plan to reduce their number and consolidate their content on the main Reykjavík City website for better quality and security management.


Accessibility is also a priority and we use web analytics and machine translation to improve the user experience.

Teikning af upplýstum fartölvuskjá.

Listening to data

We understand the importance of basing our decisions on solid data and presenting it in a clear and useful manner.


By doing so, we can provide a better overview of municipal services for the benefit of residents and staff.

Teikning af fartölvu og tölfræðiskjali í samræðum.

A Better City for Children

Betri borg fyrir börn miðar að því að bæta þjónustu við börn, ungmenni og fjölskyldur þeirra í skóla- og frístundastarfi.  

Færa þjónustuna í auknum mæli í skólaumhverfi barna og ungmenna, veita viðeigandi stuðning sem fyrst og þétta samstarf skóla- og frístundasviðs og velferðarsviðs í þjónustumiðstöð hverfisins.



Technical infrastructure—human services

The Department of Services & Innovation is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the computer and information systems used by all Reykjavík City staff.


Our Information Technology Services Office (UTR) operates the largest IT environment in Iceland.


It provides a wide range of services to city departments and handles central operations, maintenance, and development.

Security, transparency, and maximum quality

We are excited about all the progress we are making in our digital transformation. However, we also understand the importance of being cautious and thorough in our approach before starting large projects.


We place great emphasis on reliable data documentation, robust legal services, secure public procurement, and quality control in the projects we undertake.


A number of projects are intended shape procedures and processes to help ensure that we are all on the same page.