Introduction without a picture (Hero Title)

This is "neighborhood" in the colorful theme. Here is an introductory text for the chapter and a description of the content it has to offer.

Text block with picture (City Block)

You can choose whether an image appears on the left or right side. Let the location depend on the location of the image above.

If both boxes are the same size, "Normal" only offers a drawing option, but if "Large image" or "Large box" are selected, you can choose a photo or drawing.

"Large image" is selected here.


Grid Block

Guidelines for page structure.



How is the city structured?



    How is the street structured?



    How is the island structured?

    Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)

    Here you can choose whether a vector appears left or right. Let the location depend on the location of the image above. You can also select two text boxes.


    This module is used for longer text. You can break up the text with subheadings. It is important to use them to make reading easier for users.

    Subheading 2 (H2)

    You can also use bullets:

    • Reykjavík
    • Kópavogur
    • Akureyri

    Subheading 3 (H3)

    Numbering is also available:

    1. First
    2. Other
    3. Third

    Subheading 4 (H4)

    Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)

    Although the module is called "text block with vector", it is not necessary to select a vector image. It is also possible to have two text boxes as can be seen here.

    Text block with vector (Island vector image + text)

    It's a good idea to use two text boxes if you need to insert longer text and if there are already too many illustrations on the page.

    Accordion FAQ

    Process step

    First step

    An ideal module to use for the steps to go through in the application process.

    Second step

    Here you cannot use bullets, numbering, boldface, or other doodles.

    Third step

    Actually, you can't insert links in the text in this module either.

    Text that is emphasized to convey important messages.

    Info block (Info)

    Here is text space for the information that needs to be conveyed. This could include contact information, so phone number 411 111 and email address can be placed here if applicable.

    • Here is space for detailed information and it's ideal to use bullet points to make it look nice. It's not very appealing to let long texts appear haphazardly.
    • Here is space for detailed information and it's ideal to use bullet points to make it look nice. It's not very appealing to let long texts appear haphazardly.
    • Here is space for detailed information and it's ideal to use bullet points to make it look nice. It's not very appealing to let long texts appear haphazardly.

    The most important text, that no one should overlook, is then displayed here.

    Day parents

    Day parents in Reykjavík are independent and care for children from six/nine months old. Day parents set their own fee structure, but the City subsidizes a portion of the day care costs.