Human Rights & Democracy Office

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The Office of Human Rights & Democracy enforces the Reykjavík City Human Rights Policy and carries out a wide range of policy-making tasks. The Office also monitors the implementation of the Reykjavík City Democracy Policy.

Reykjavík City Human Rights Policy

The Human Rights and Democracy Office is responsible for enforcing the City's Human Rights Policy. The Human Rights Policy is based on human rights and the principle of equality.


The principle of equality or non-discrimination is one of the basic notions of human rights. It is found in the main human rights treaties and in Article 65 of the Constitution. The rule stipulates that it is prohibited to discriminate against persons on the grounds of their particular characteristics or for other irrelevant reasons.

About the Human Rights & Democracy Office

Contact us

You can contact the Human Rights and Democracy Office if you want to know more.


Would you like to know more about the Reykjavík City Human Rights Policy?


Would you like to get help working on an equality plan for your workplace at the City?


Do you feel you have been subjected to discrimination receiving services from the City of Reykjavík?


Do you believe that the City of Reykjavík, as an administrative body, has violated your rights?


Have you witnessed discrimination in any of the City's workplaces?


Do you have a proposal on human rights for the City of Reykjavík?


Do you work for an association, or another municipality, and are you interested in forming a partnership?

Telephone: 411 4156