Grants and prizes

Every year, the Human Rights and Violence Prevention Council gives out the Reykjavík City Human Rights Prize and several grants to organizations, businesses, and individuals.
The Reykjavík City Human Rights Prize
The Reykjavík City Human Rights Prize is awarded to those individuals, associations, or institutions that have actively defended human rights. The goal of the prize is to raise awareness about the City's Human Rights Policy and the importance of a society where human rights are respected.
Nominations are closed. To nominate someone, you should send the justification along with the nomination to The recipient of the Reykjavík City Human Rights Prize is awarded 600,000 kr.
The prize will be presented at Höfði by the Mayor of Reykjavík on May 16, which is the City of Reykjavík Human Rights Day.
The selection committee for the awards is appointed by the Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council of Reykjavík City for one year at a time. The three appointed jury members will have worked on matters of equal opportunities and human rights.
Previous recipients of the Reykjavík City Human Rights Prize:
- 2023 Trans Ísland
- 2022 Pepp, the grassroots of people in poverty
- 2021 The Root – Association for Women’s Welfare
- 2020 Solaris relief organization for asylum seekers and refugees in Iceland
- 2019 Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism
- 2018 Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland
- 2017 With Our Eyes (Með okkar augum)
- 2016 Þórunn Ólafsdóttir
- 2015 Frú Ragnheiður
- 2014 Geðhjálp
- 2013 Women's Center (Kvennaathvarfið)
- 2012 Art Without Borders (List án landamæra)
- 2011 Reykjavík Pride (Hinsegin dagar)
- 2010 Blue Forward (Blátt áfram)
- 2009 Icelandic Red Cross
- 2008 International House (Alþjóðahús)
Grants from the Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council
The Reykjavík City Human Rights and Violence Prevention Council offers general grants to organizations, businesses, and individuals.
General grants
General grants are given to organizations, businesses, and individuals for activities and services that contribute to the successful development of civil society, the equity of the city's residents, and diverse human lives.
All applications should include a detailed cost estimate, both in terms of expenses and income. The Office of Human Rights and Democracy provides general advice and guidance for completing applications.
A memorandum on the allocation of the grant must be submitted within one year of when the grant was awarded.
Reykjavík City District Fund
The Fund supports local organizations, residents, and other stakeholders who want to contribute and host district-related programs and/or events with the above objectives in mind. You can apply for grants for projects in one or more districts.
The decision on the allocation of funds from the Reykjavík City District Fund is taken by the Reykjavík City resident councils.
Submission of applications
Application should be sent to:
You can also apply by mail:
Reykjavík City Hall
Human Rights & Democracy Office
Tjarnargata 11
101 Reykjavík