Thriving business life and opportunities in Reykjavík
This is the right place if you're looking for opportunities related to the city's thriving economy. Here you'll find information about building rights on plots and advertisements for the sale or lease of City properties - as well as when we're seeking premises for City operations. We also publish advertisements here for various interesting projects Reykjavík City is undertaking related to urban development.
Auglýsingar í gildi
- Til sölu: Færanleg húseining við Breiðholtsskóla
- Til sölu: Færanlegar húseiningar við Dalskóla
- Húsnæði og lóð fyrir leikskóla
- Óskað eftir húsnæði fyrir Konukot
- Sólheimar 29-35 til sölu undir leikskóla
- Blesugróf 27 er til sölu
- Leitað að rekstraraðila fyrir Mjódd
- Óskað eftir húsnæði fyrir dagforeldra
- Atvinnulóðir á Esjumelum - Fast verð
- Lóð fyrir 65 íbúðir við Nauthólsveg
Sale of building rights
Advertisements for the sale of building rights on plots in Reykjavík appear in "Current Advertisements" above. For more information about building rights sales and available plots, contact
Where is ongoing housing development?
For details on new housing developments and upcoming construction areas, open the housing development map viewer.
Building plot leases
Reykjavík City makes building plot leases for City-owned plots with leaseholders who are registered property owners on the plot in question.
Property sales and leases
Reykjavík City offers properties for sale or lease - or seeks properties to buy or lease. The Property Office manages the leasing and sale of Reykjavík City properties. Relevant advertisements appear in "Current Advertisements" above. You can also view past advertisements, which are no longer valid.
Collaboration and ideas
Economic and Urban Development Reykjavík constantly explores opportunities related to urban development. This may include seeking good ideas, requesting collaboration, or anything else that makes Reykjavík a better city. Relevant advertisements appear in "Current Advertisements" above. You can also view past advertisements, which are no longer valid.
Further information
Where are the opportunities in Reykjavík?
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