Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council

Illustration of people working and talking at a table.

The Human Rights and Violence Prevention Council carries out tasks relating to human rights and violence prevention in accordance with Reykjavík City’s Human Rights Policy. The Council also carries out the tasks of the Equal Rights Committee in accordance with law.

The resolution on the Human Rights and Violence Prevention Council was adopted by City Council on September 20, 2022.

Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council acts under the authority of City Council as detailed in the Resolution on the Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council, the Resolution on the Management and of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes, No 1020/2019 and as required by law.

The Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council develops human rights and violence prevention policies, takes decisions and makes recommendations to the City Council in its field of work. The Council also oversees the operation of the Reykjavík Human Rights and Democracy Office and ensures compliance with Reykjavík City resolutions and policies in its field of work. The Council also carries out other tasks as determined by the City Council.

The Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council carries out the tasks of the Equal Rights Committee pursuant to Act No 10/2008 and other human rights projects in line with the City of Reykjavík's Human Rights Policy, thus helping to improve the human rights of the City’s residents.

The Human Rights, Innovation and Democracy Council carries out, among other things, the following tasks:

  1. Advises City Council and other City authorities on human rights including on the issues of equality and equal pay, gender budgeting and operations and is responsible for the promotion of the Human Rights Policy and other related policies, and the Council also contributes to the acquisition of knowledge and the dissemination of information.
  2. Advises City Council and other City authorities on violence prevention and actively contributes to the policy making on these issues.
  3. Makes recommendations to City Council on revisions to Reykjavík City’s Human Rights Policy as needed and is responsible for its implementation.
  4. Is the City’s representative in the field of human rights. Is available to other City authorities for consultation and advice on human rights projects. Provides reviews of suggestions for City programs related to the human rights of the City's residents. Cooperates with the Government, other municipalities, and NGOs on human rights issues and awards the City of Reykjavík's annual Human Rights Prize.
  5. After municipal elections, the Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council shall ensure that Reykjavík City draws up a plan for human rights issues for the upcoming term. The plan should conform to Act No. 150/2020 on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender. Act No. 85/2018 on Equal Treatment Irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin in all spheres of society, outside the labor market. Act No. 86/2018 on Equal Treatment on the Labor Market irrespective of race, ethnic origin, religion, worldview, disability, reduced working capacity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual characteristics or gender expression. The plan shall be submitted for approval by City Council no later than one year after the municipal elections, shall be addressed annually by City Council, and reviewed as necessary.

The Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council has 7 representatives elected by City Council and an equal number of alternate members. City Council elects a chair who shall be a City Councilor. The term of office of the Council is the same as that of City Council.

Council Chair: Magnús Davíð Norðdahl.

The Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council generally holds two sessions each month, on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. One meeting per month shall generally be devoted to violence prevention issues calling on representatives to be participating observers from the Chief of Police of the Capital Region, Stígamót, the Association for a Women’s Shelter, and the Director of Health.

The Human Rights and Democracy Office is responsible for the implementation of human rights policies, the Council's tasks and relations with other institutions.

Elísabet Pétursdóttir, Project Manager in the Human Rights & Democracy Office, is employed by the Council.