Gender Budgeting

Gender Budgeting (or “kynjuð fjárhags- og starfsáætlun” in Icelandic, KFS for short, here after abbreviated as GB) is a governing tool used to promote equality and more effective and just use of public funds considering the differing needs of residents. Below is a short video on the methodology of gender budgeting , produced in partnership with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and Freyja Filmwork.
Gender Budgeting (GB)
Residents are the foundation of all of Reykjavík City's activities. To ensure that the City's services meet the different needs of residents and promote their equal opportunities, it is important to analyze the impact public funding and procedures can have on residents. The aim of implementing Gender Budgeting (GB) at the City of Reykjavík is to integrate the City's Human Rights Policy and Financial Policy. The aim is to ensure equitable distribution of funds and assets that take into account the different needs of residents.
GB is part of a methodology called gender and equality mainstreaming. This methodology is defined under the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender No 150/2020 as a way of incorporating gender equality perspectives into all areas of policy and decision making of all regular decision makers in order to improve, develop, and evaluate policy-making processes. Gender mainstreaming is not intended to be supplementary to regular work, but rather to be integrated into it.
GB focuses on the budget process and decision making. GB can therefore be described as a type of performance or quality management system that takes into account the different positions of different groups in society and seeks to promote equality on behalf of the public authorities.
What do you want to explore next?
- Implementation and practice of GB Information about implementation and practice of gender budgeting at Reykjavík City
- GB Analysis of City services Results of the City's service analysis using the methodology of gender budgeting
- Reykjavík City Human Rights Policy Gender budgeting is based on Reykjavík City's Human Rights Policy
- Finances All about the City's finances
- Climate Change Knowledge Hub Knowledge hub on gender and equality perspectives in climate issues
- Gendered Figures Gendered statistics from Reykjavík City
- Statistics on interculturalism Intercultural Reykjavík (statistics)
- Gender in the City Reykjavík City's General Policy
For more information, please contact the Project Manager for Gender Budgeting at the Human Rights & Democracy Office for Reykjavík City.
- Email:
- Telephone: 411 4159