Gender education for the adolescent level - teaching ideas and assignments
Here is a toolkit that includes teaching materials, pamphlets, teaching ideas, and projects that can be used for gender education at the adolescent level.
Analyzing song lyrics
Here you can find a teaching idea for 9th and 10th grade where students analyze messages in song lyrics.

Masculinity and femininity
Teaching ideas on how to examine the impact of masculinity and femininity on the behavior of young people in certain situations.

Educational material
Gender studies for beginners- An electronic textbook on gender studies for high school students. The book is ideal for teachers at the adolescent level to read to strengthen their knowledge on the subject. It's also easy to take specific topics from the book and adapt them to the skills of students in upper primary school.
Everyone Has a Right - the website offers a variety of educational materials from Unicef about rights, responsibilities, solidarity, and tolerance. The content is divided into 7 chapters along with assignments.
Exploring Society (Á ferð um samfélagið) is a textbook on sociology that includes topics on gender equality as well as other social topics such as homosexuality, and LGBT+ rights.
Amicos non ficta is an emotional and friendship project developed to empower boys in understanding and expressing their feelings while they design and create objects.
Building a Better World (Byggjum betri heim) - a workbook compiled by the Scouts movement, based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The booklet is translated and localized for use either electronically or in print.
Feminist projects - questions about feminism that can be used in gender education.
From My Perspective (Frá mínum sjónarhól) is a project about gender equality and its relation to sustainability, based on the Sustainable Development Goals.
LGBT+ and Masculinity - several questions to initiate discussions on LGBT+ issues and masculinity.
Gender Studies for Beginners is a textbook for secondary school and the oldest primary school levels.
The Gendered Saga (Kynungabók) - the aim of the book is to provide a realistic view of gender status in society and that gender equality concerns everyone.
Rock and Radicalism (Rokk og róttækni) - youth radicalism contributed to a more liberal society, including increased rights for women and homosexuals.
The hexagon of equality thinking project promotes understanding of concepts related to women's rights and gender equality.
The Sustainability Project Bank contains 70 projects and educational materials for students at the adolescent level about sustainability in various areas of society.
Stereotypes and Concepts is a project that prompts students to examine female characters from a feminist perspective.
Take a Step Forward is a project about privilege. It helps students recognize various obstacles and prejudices faced by people in different social positions.
Gender education projects designed to prompt reflection on the marketing of girls' and boys' products.
Democratic competence
Democratic competence is based on a wide range of individual qualities that can be divided into four categories: values, attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

Projects dealing with career choice and the labor market
So Much to Choose From (Margt er um að velja) - the aim of this educational material is to help students develop the ability to make and justify their choices for education and career based on their circumstances. It also seeks to enhance students' independence and knowledge of their environment and interests.
On Target (Stefnan sett) is educational content with the goal of informing students about gender-biased educational and occupational choices and their impact on gender equality. Subject: Equality - Stereotypes - Gender roles - Career choice
Labor Market and Politics - three gender studies projects related to the labor market and politics. Each project includes links for students to read, answer a question, and justify their stance. Subject: Equality - Stereotypes - Gender roles
Miss Representation
A documentary and project that address how women are portrayed in American media and advertising. The film shows how to recognize the different messages sent to each gender
Gender code
Here you can watch the documentary 'The Gender Code'. It comes with a project that can be used in gender education, gender equality education, sociology, and more.
Projects from Compass, a manual on human rights education with young people
Domestic Violence - one of the goals of this project is to foster solidarity and courage to stand against domestic violence. Subject: Equality - Discrimination - Gender education - Violence
Male and Female Heroes - one of the project's goals is to critically analyze the importance of male and female heroes as role models.
The Path to a Land of Equality (Leiðin til jafnréttislands) - one of the project's objectives is to foster understanding and recognition of gender equality.
Work and Children - the project addresses workplace discrimination against women with the goal of increasing participants' understanding of discrimination and promoting equality and justice.
Here you can find games that are effective in enhancing students' self-image and helping them recognize their own strengths and those of their classmates.