Miss Representation

A documentary and project on how women are portrayed in American media and advertising. The film shows how to recognize the different messages sent to each gender.

It's important to note that this image is from 2011 and much has changed in social media use since then.

About the project

Equality - Gender roles - Stereotypes - Discrimination

Connection to the Education Policy: Social skills

Type of material: Projects

Target audience: 13-16 years old

Subjects: Equality, Self-identity, Stereotypes

Dual task - Miss Representation

The first part addresses exploring femininity

Watch the movie Miss Representation

1. Describe in at least 10 lines how women are portrayed in American media – if the movie is to be believed. Provide 10 different examples of the messages sent to women and refer to the movie.

2. Is there a difference between American and Icelandic women in this regard? Are the effects different? If so, how are they different?

3. How are women's personality traits described in the media? Are these descriptions realistic?

4. What effects do the messages have on girls and women?

5. What effects do the messages have on men? What perception do they have of girls and women? Here, you need to think independently and draw conclusions.

6. What is self-objectification and what impact does it have on women?

7. When women enter politics – what do the media primarily focus on when they step onto the political stage?

What is the narrative about them?

8. The movie claims that the status of women has worsened (backlash) – explain what is meant by this and provide examples.

The second part of the assignment requires depicting these gender images. You should discuss:

1. The varied messages we receive about genders

2. How these gender notions are presented to us

3. How they are maintained and 'monitored' in society

4. What it entails to maintain such stereotyped gender images

5. How directly portraying genders as stark opposites can be dangerous to society and how it affects girls and boys.

6. Conclude by discussing how these first weeks have influenced you, your attitudes towards gender issues, and this material.