Gender budgeting

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Implementation of gender budgeting (GB) at Reykjavík City is based on the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender No. 150/2020, the Act on the Administration of Matters Concerning Equality No. 151/2020, the Reykjavík City Human Rights Policy, and the European Charter for Equality for Women and Men in Local Life. The aim is to integrate the City's Human Rights Policy into the budgeting process, thus promoting equality. The aim is for better and fairer distribution of resources according to people’s needs. The main tasks related to the implementation of GB are gender based analysis of city services , equality impact screenings, and equality impact assessments.

Implementation period

Ongoing projects from 2011

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2023

Twelve out of 18 recommendations related to future organization and execution of equality impact screenings have already been implemented. The remaining six are in progress and will be implemented by mid-2023, including digitalization of equality impact screenings and digital training for staff. Amendments made as an annex to the approved annual budget must undergo equality impact screenings. In total, 37 equality impact screenings were carried out due to annexes in the year, amounting to a total of 1,832,715 thousand króna. The result was that 68% of the amount was considered to have a positive effect on equality or positive effects for marginalized groups. In December 2022, the city departments delivered their’’ annual analysis of selected service components from a gender and equality perspective. Seven analyses were completed in 2022, and the City has now analyzed 63 service components using the methodology of gender budgeting. In the fall of 2022, a website was launched with a knowledge hub on gender and equality perspectives in environmental and climate change issues.


Timing Progress description
July 2022

At a City Council meeting on January 20, proposals from the Working Group on Future Organization and Implementation of Equality Impact Assessments and Equality Impact Screenings were approved. It presents 18 proposals that relate to processes, digitization of equality impact screenings, guidelines, training, templates, exception lists, supervision, feedback, responsibility, division of work, and internal information channels. Of these 18 proposals, 11 have been implemented, but the 7 that remain are in progress and will be implemented by the end of the year, including digitization of equality impact screenings and online training for staff.

During the preparation of the City's budget and investment plan, equality impact screenings were used on new projects and changes to projects in accordance with the City's procedures. In April, the City's departments delivered a plan for equality analysis of services and are now working on the analyses that were proposed. A total of 12 service components should be analyzed in 2022, and the City has already analyzed 56 service components using the methodology of gender budgeting.

At a City Council meeting on June 21, a change was made so that gender budgeting now falls under the Human Rights & Violence Prevention Council, whereas previously the project was under a political steering group.

The actions of the Green Deal are linked to Reykjavík City's policies, which include:

Related actions

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