10-year Infrastructure Plan

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

The City is working on creating a ten-year infrastructure plan that will be approved with the budget. The infrastructure plan will describe the priority and time-line for building key infrastructure in Reykjavík over the coming years. It is designed to encompass all the significant elements that facilitate prioritizing the city's development areas. The infrastructure plan will be developed in cooperation with key partners such as Veitur, Associated Icelandic Ports, the Road Administration, and others.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2024

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

The project is progressing. Work on shaping the infrastructure plan and ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders continue. It is under consideration to make the infrastructure plan part of Reykjavík City's interactive development map.

Older status reports

The table shows older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Schedule Progress description
July 2023 Work on shaping the infrastructure plan and ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders continue. It is under consideration to make the infrastructure plan part of Reykjavík City's interactive development map.
January 2023 Work is ongoing to shape the infrastructure plan, and discussions have begun with Veitur and the Associated Icelandic Ports regarding the main milestones for the coming decade.
July 2022 Preparatory work on the infrastructure plan has begun. Efforts are being made to define which development area variables will affect prioritization and time-lines.

Reykjavík City departments:

Tengdar aðgerðir

Taflan hér fyrir neðan inniheldur þær aðgerðir sem tengjast þessari aðgerð og hægt er að nálgast frekari upplýsingar með því að smella á "heiti aðgerðar" í töflunni (ef þú ert í síma er betra að snúa símanum á hlið).