Recreational Voucher - Recreation Card

The Recreation Card is a voucher system for the recreation of children and adolescents ages 6-18 with legal residence in Reykjavík. The voucher amounts to 75,000 kr. a year, and you can use it to pay off some of your child's attendance and exercise fees.
When is my child entitled to a recreational voucher?
If your child turns six this year, they are eligible for a Recreational Voucher from January 1 that year through the year they turn 18. Individuals who are 18 years of age are required to register on their own in order to allocate their grant.
Objectives and purpose of the Recreation Card
The aim is for all children and young people in Reykjavík ages 6-18 to be able to participate in recreational activities regardless of their economic and social circumstances. The Recreation Card is intended to increase equality in society and diversity in the practice of sports, arts, and leisure activities.
Grant allocation
- The recreational voucher can be used with Recreation Card affiliates.
- Guardians allocate the grant through the system of the affiliate where the child is registered.
- Allocations are open from January 1 through December 31.
- The affiliates collect payment in a variety of ways, and it is important that guardians are aware of how affiliates collect payments for their children. Affiliates may decide on their own the end date to allocate the grant each semester so that they may collect the outstanding balance, if any.
Inquiries and/or suggestions
Inquiries, suggestions, or complaints should be sent to the email address