FAQ about the recreational voucher

Here you will find frequently asked questions and answers about the Recreation Card.

The Recreation Card

What is the Recreation Card and how do I apply for it?

The Recreation Card is a voucher system for the recreation of children and adolescents ages 6-18 with legal residence in Reykjavík. The voucher amounts to 50,000 kr. a year, and you can use it to pay off some of your child's attendance and exercise fees.

As of January 1, 2023, the voucher amount will be 75,000 kr. This is not a direct payment, but parents can allocate the Recreational Voucher through Recreation Card partners.

More information about the rules for the Recreation Card can be found at www.fristundakort.is

There's no need to apply specifically for the Recreation Card, but the voucher can be found at https://minarsidur.reykjavik.is/en under the guardian's ID number who has the same legal domicile as the child. The voucher is then allocated through the partner itself. For assistance with logging in at https://minarsidur.reykjavik.is/en/, contact the Reykjavik City Service Center at 411 1111. Assistance with allocation can also be obtained through the email fristundakort@reykjavik.is.

What is the amount of the voucher?

The voucher amount is 50,000 króna for the year 2022. From January 1, 2023, the voucher will be 75,000 króna per year.

How old does a child need to be to use the voucher?

The voucher is for children aged 6-18 who have a legal domicile in Reykjavík. It's based on the year of birth.

In 2022, children born between 2004-2016 can use the voucher, and in 2023, children born between 2005-2017

The voucher is valid from January 1 of the year the child turns 6 until the end of the year the child turns 18. If an individual turns 18 and has not used the Recreation Card, they must enroll in a class themselves and use their IceKey to allocate it.

Can both parents allocate vouchers for their child?

If both parents have the same legal domicile and the same family number with Registers Iceland as the child, they can both use vouchers. In cases of joint custody, only the parent with the same legal domicile as the child can use the voucher.

Some associations' registration systems allow the legal domicile parent to authorize others to use the voucher.

How can I use the voucher?

Vouchers can be used with Recreation Card partners https://reykjavik.is/en/recreation-card-partners

When is the latest I can use the voucher with a partner?

It's up to each partner to determine the final day for using vouchers during each term. It's therefore important for guardians to familiarize themselves with the partner's collection policies and the final day of voucher use.

The Recreation Card then expires at the end of the year.

Why can't I use it for the course that my child is or was taking?

The reasons might be that the partner has ended voucher use for the period, or a new period has started, and voucher use for the previous periods has ended. Partners are allowed to determine their final day of voucher use each term to settle any remaining collections. It's best to contact the partner to inquire about voucher use and their collection process.

Why doesn't my child appear under my name on My Pages?

The reasons could be that the child is not registered with the same legal domicile as the parent. In cases of joint custody, the child's name appears with the parent who is registered with the same legal domicile and family number with Registers Iceland. Another reason may be that changes in at Registers Iceland haven't been finalized if the person is moving to Iceland or there have been changes in family circumstances, such as the loss of a spouse. When children turn 18 they will get a separate family number and must register at https://minarsidur.reykjavik.is/en using their own ID number. You need to contact Registers Iceland when moving to Iceland from another country.

Is it possible to transfer the Recreational Voucher between siblings and/or between years?

No - the voucher is earmarked for each child and thus cannot be used for siblings. The recreational voucher does not carry over between years and expires at the end of the year if not used.

Can the Recreation Card be used for summer courses?

No, the Recreation Card cannot be used for traditional summer courses that are on a one- or two-week basis. Courses need to be at least 8 continuous weeks to be eligible for the voucher.

Courses provided by Reykjavik City

Can the Recreation Card be used at after-school programs?

Yes, stay at after-school programs can be paid for with the Recreation Card. However, note that the Recreation Card cannot be used for summer activities at after-school programs.

The Recreation Card is used through Vala Winter Recreation which is the registration system for after-school programs.

Can the Recreation Card be used at youth centers?

No, activities at youth centers are subsidized by Reykjavik City and are usually free of charge. If there is a fee, it cannot be paid for with the Recreation Card.