Resident councils

Reykjavík City resident councils are an active collaboration platform for dialogue between residents, the district grassroots, non-profit organizations, the economy, and City officials.
The resident councils are designed to strengthen the connection and shorten communication channels between residents and Reykjavík's administration, and to enable residents to express their views.
What do you want to explore next?
- The Resident Council of Árbær and Norðlingaholt Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Breiðholt Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Grafarholt and Úlfarsárdalur Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Grafarvogur Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of the Districts of Háaleiti and Bústaðir Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Kjalarnes Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Laugardalur Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Miðborg and Hlíðar Learn more about the Resident Council.
- The Resident Council of Vesturbær Learn more about the Resident Council.
- Reykjavík City District Fund Grants to non-profit organizations and residents.
Broadcasts from meetings
Resident council meetings are streamed via the YouTube page of Reykjavík City.
Roles and scope
- Strengthen the connection and shorten communication channels between residents and the City's administration
- Increasing the information shared with residents
- Enable residents to express their views and draw attention to challenges within the district
- Support and increase cooperation within the districts and increasing social resources
Resident councils are responsible for announcing city planning, construction and developments, and services offered within districts and strive to ensure that residents are consulted where appropriate. When it concerns the district, the appropriate resident council shall receive, and promote, announcements for planning changes, fundamental changes to services, and larger public works, such as for maintenance of city land and spring and winter services.
For further information view the approval on Reykjavík City resident councils (IS) and recommendations of the steering committee for the implementation of resident councils (IS) adopted by City Council on February 10, 2022.
Rules of procedure for residents' councils are available here.
Appointments to resident councils and their organization
There are nine resident councils in Reykjavík and they are active in all districts. Each resident council consists of three representatives elected by City Council, a representative of parent associations, a representatives of resident associations, a representative of parent associations and a randomly selected representative. The resident councils meet once a month, their meetings are generally open and they are streamed live on Reykjavík City’s website.
The Office of Human Rights & Democracy services the resident councils and provides back office support.
The resident council employee is Heimir Snær Guðmundsson.
How can residents influence the activities of resident councils?
Residents are encouraged to be engaged in the activities of their resident councils. Residents can send messages, questions, suggestions, ideas or proposals to their resident councils, which will then be discussed at the council level.
They can be contacted directly through the relevant resident council's email address. Residents are encouraged to submit specific suggestions via the Reykjavík City Suggestion Portal.
Reykjavík City District Fund
The Reykjavík City District Fund supports local associations, residents, and other stakeholders who want to contribute and host district-related programs and/or events with the above objectives in mind.
The decision on the allocation of funds from the Reykjavík City District Fund is taken by the Reykjavík City resident councils.
The Fund accepts grant applications year-round.
The resident councils
There are 9 resident councils in total located in the following districts:
- The Resident Council of Árbær and Norðlingaholt generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 4:30pm
- The Resident Council of Breiðholt generally meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 4:30pm
- The residents' council of Grafarholt and Úlfarsárdalur typically meets on the third Thursday of each month at 4pm
- The Resident Council of Grafarvogur generally meets on the first Monday of each month at 4:30pm
- The Resident Council of Háaleiti and Bústaðahverfi generally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:30pm
- The Resident Council of Kjalarnes generally meets on the second Thursday of each month at 4pm
- The Resident Council of Laugardalur generally meets on the second Monday of each month at 4:30pm
- The Resident Council of Miðborg and Hlíðar generally meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 4:30pm
- The Resident Council of Vesturbær generally meets on the third Monday of each month at 4pm
District Council meetings are announced a week in advance and the agendas are posted on the City website.