Reykjavik City District Fund

The Reykjavik City District Fund supports local associations, residents, and other stakeholders who want to contribute and host district-related programs and/or events with the above objectives in mind. The decision on the allocation of funds from the Reykjavik City District Fund is taken by the Reykjavik City Residents’ Councils.

Grant Applications

The District Fund is open for applications twice a year from March 15 to April 15 and from September 15 to October 15.


The purpose of the Fund is to support projects designed to contribute to the following aspects of the city's neighbourhoods:


  • Promote social wealth, unity, and residential cooperation
  • District Beautification
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Enrichment of Human Life


The Fund shall support local associations, residents, and other stakeholders who want to contribute and host district-related programs and/or events with the above objectives in mind. You can apply for grants for projects in one or more districts. Here is a map of the districts.

The decision on the allocation of funds from the Reykjavik City District Fund is taken by the Reykjavik City Residents’ Councils. The Human Rights and Democracy Office is responsible for managing and processing grant applications.

How to Apply?

Before applying, it is important to familiarise yourself with the District Fund Allocation Rules (in Icelandic) as well as the Reykjavik City Rules on Grants (in Icelandic).

The Fund accepts grant applications year-round. The Fund only considers applications eligible under Reykjavik City rules.

When considering applications, the District Fund allocation rules, the Reykjavik City Rules on Grants, and Reykjavik City Human Rights Policy are taken into account. It is worth noting that grants are not given retroactively for events and projects, if an application is received after an event has taken place.

Grants from the Fund are processed after the grant agreements have been signed and on presentation of the budget for the project for which the grant is given. The grants are disbursed in accordance with the Fund's allocation rules.

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