Multiculturalism in school and recreational activities
A guiding principle of multicultural school and recreation activities is that all children and youth should be successful in learning and playing, socially prosperous, and have equal opportunities to be proud of their background and culture.
In play, study, and recreation we respect each other, everyone is included on their own terms and we are without prejudice in communication.
The World is Here
The World is Here is a policy of multicultural school and recreational activities, which has three main pillars
- Diverse forms of teaching and professional competence
- Icelandic as a second language and active bilingualism:
- Parent cooperation
- Learn more about the policy The World is Here
Interpretation services
If an interpreter is required, Alþjóðasetur, Inter Cultural Iceland, and the Equality Center offer interpreting services.

The first level of schooling provides a basis for the Icelandic language skills of children with Icelandic as a second language and it is important for parents to be supported to use and maintain their native tongue and to respect their cultural origin. Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism supports parents and teaches numerous native languages for children from an early age.
Saga Stephensen is the project manager and consultant for multicultural preschool.
Primary school
All children have the right to receive appropriate instruction in their home district school, which applies equally to children who have Icelandic as a second language and other children. All schools have a special reception plan for children with Icelandic as a second language. A number of schools, because of their experience, have acquired specific skills in multicultural forms of teaching. This is the case, for example, at Austurbæjarskóli, Háteigsskóli, and Fellaskóli. Any school can apply for additional funding for the Icelandic language instruction of students with Icelandic as a second language.
The Tjörnin Recreation Center plays the role of a knowledge center on the issue of children with Icelandic as a second language and has published booklets in several languages on the importance of recreation.