Eco-industrial park in Álfsnes

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

One of the largest projects in the coming years will be to implement a circular economy where materials and substances are better utilized, recycled, and reused. The goal of the eco-industrial park in Álfsnes is to minimize waste and improve resource utilization. The eco-industrial park in Álfsnes could play a significant role in enhancing Reykjavík's circular economy, with the project aiming to facilitate increased collaboration, projects, and innovation in recycling materials and substances to achieve objectives for stopping the use of landfills and transforming waste streams into resources. A working group has been given the task of preparing a report describing the area's future visions and how its planning and development can be shaped to make circular procedures feasible on this scale.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the first half of 2023

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2023

Preparations for a feasibility study concerning the development of an eco-industrial park at Álfsnes continued in collaboration with the Eco-Industrial Park's working group. The working group is composed in part of representatives from Sorpa, Associated Icelandic Ports, the Chamber of Industry, and the Association of Municipalities in the Capital Area. The decision was made to go ahead with an open tender under the label of a price inquiry.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).


Timing Progress description
July 2022

A working group has been established to decide on and implement proposals for an eco-industrial park in Álfsnes. The first meeting of the working group was held on May 27, where discussions took place on how operators, developers, and the City want to collaborate on the development, construction, and progress of the eco-industrial park in Álfsnes. The working group is very interested in the project and sees great potential in its development. The working group is now preparing a tender to advertise for a person to further explore the possibilities of creating an eco-industrial park and the possible ways forward.

The actions of the Green Deal are linked to Reykjavík City's policies, which include: