5. Sustainable transportation

Green city

The Green Deal's goal for environmental and climate affairs.

The City's investment objectives in transportation infrastructure by 2030 aim for green and diverse solutions.

  • Transportation in Reykjavik prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists, along with public transportation, thereby reducing suspended particulates, air pollution, and noise
  • Traffic safety is the main focus in all decision-making processes. In alignment with the City's vision zero, it is not justifiable to compromise the health of road users for other societal interests, such as reduced delays
  • Public transport is frequent, and a dense network of bike and walking paths connects the districts
  • The city space is attractive and safe for everyone with low traffic speeds, where the number of parking spaces is moderated and arranged to optimize valuable land use
  • The development of CityLine and the implementation of other aspects of the capital area's transportation agreement connects the city's main development areas with its other parts