Green city

Teikning af strætó, gróðri og sjó.

The Green Deal's vision for environmental and climate issues.

Reykjavík is a flourishing, enjoyable, and healthy city that will be carbon neutral by 2040.

Below, you can see the main goals for environmental and climate issues in Reykjavík by 2030.

1. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Reykjavík City aims to become carbon-neutral by 2040 and adapt to climate change in an environmentally friendly and humane way.

Teikning af rafmagnsbíl fyrir framan blokkir.

2. Increased carbon sequestration and enhancement of green areas

The City's goals for enhancing carbon sequestration and green spaces by 2030 include increased cultivation, utilization, and connectivity between green spaces.

Teikning af formum eins og blómum, sjó og götu.

3. The city is adapted to the impacts of climate change

Reykjavík City's goals for adapting to the impacts of climate change by 2030 involve both combating climate change and adapting to it.

Teikning af húsi, gróðri og ljósaperu.

4. Improved access to healthy recreational options and food

Reykjavík City aims to improve access to healthy outdoor activities and food by 2030. The focus is on public health and increased urban farming.

Teikning af fólki veiða fisk og manneskju hjóla.

5. EcoTransportation

The City's investment objectives in transportation infrastructure by 2030 aim for green and diverse solutions.

Teikning af fólki hjóla og á hlaupahjóli. Strætó í bakgrunn.