Obligation to pay

Parking your car doesn’t always cost the same. Reykjavík has 4 different tariff zones and the pricing and tariff period varies. The zones are P1, P2, P3, and P4. You can pay using parking meters or register a vehicle in a payment app of your choice to pay for the parking.

How much does parking cost?


  • 630 kr. per hour.
  • 9am to 9pm and 10am to 9pm weekends
  • Maximum time is 3 hrs.


  • 230 kr. per hour.
  • 9am to 9pm and 10am to 9pm weekends


  • 230 kr. per hour for the first 2 hours. After that, 70 kr.
  • 9am to 6pm weekdays


  • 230 kr. per hour.
  • 8am to 4pm weekdays.

Is there a charge on statutory holidays?

There is no charge on the following days:

New Year's Day, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, 1st day of summer, May 1, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday, Whit Monday, June 17, Commerce Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day.

Tariff zones in Reykjavík

The following rules apply to tariff zones in Reykjavík:

  • Tickets purchased in P1 are valid in all tariff zones
  • Tickets purchased in P2 are valid in P2, P3, and P4
  • Tickets purchased in P3 are only valid in P3
  • Tickets purchased in P4 are only valid in P4
  • Resident parking permits are not valid in P1 (red) and P4 (orange).
The map below shows the rough division of the City's paid parking zones. If the map and the markings on meters are not the same, the markings on the meters apply. Also note that if there are temporary parking closures for pedestrian crossings, summer streets, construction, and more, the local traffic markings will apply.

Legend for map color labels:

  • Red - Tariff zone 1
  • Light red - Tariff zone 1 (resident parking permits apply)
  • Blue - Tariff zone 2
  • Green - Tariff zone 3
  • Orange - Tariff zone 4

Payment methods

You can pay for parking meters using coins, cards, and phones, as well as online (using apps). A few parking meters do not accept coins, but, in that case, you’ll be directed to the next parking meter in the same tariff zone.

Parking for people with reduced mobility

People with reduced mobility who have difficulty getting to and from public parking may be eligible for a parking card.


With a parking card, individuals with reduced mobility can park in designated spaces and park for free in paid outdoor spaces. The card also allows for free parking in parking garages operated by Reykjavík City.