
Here you will find all approved policies and strategic plans for Reykjavik City. A policy refers to a dated document setting out a philosophy, a vision, and objectives that are implemented using benchmarks and funded actions.

Approved Policies and Strategic Plans


Samstarfssáttmáli Samfylkingar, Framsóknar, Pírata og Viðreisnar var undirritaður 6. júní 2022 og fjallar hann um helstu áhersluatriði í mörgum málaflokkum.

Meirihlutasáttmáli og Græna planið

Majority Charter of the Vedic, Commonwealth, Pirate and Greens for the City of

The Green Plan is the City of Reykjavik's outreach programme that draws together in one place key initiatives and green investments in the city over the coming 10 years. Building on the philosophy of sustainability, the Green Plan sets out a clear vision for a thriving and carbon-neutral city where everyone can find a purpose and role.


The City of Reykjavik's fiscal and investment policy supports the Green Plan, which is the City of Reykjavik's outreach programme until 2030 and sets out the general macroeconomic framework and objectives for the operation and development of the city's finances in the longer and shorter term.

  • Reykjavik City Economic and Innovation Strategy 2021–2030

The City of Reykjavik's procurement policy was adopted at the City Council meeting on 15 March 2011.

The City of Reykjavik's risk policy and its accompanying documents form the setting for the governance structure, methods and processes used for the implementation of sound risk management within the city system.

Yfirlýsing um stjórnarhætti og ófjárhagslegar upplýsingar skýrir hlutverk og ábyrgð borgarstjórnar, borgarráðs og borgarstjóra. Í yfirlýsingunni er greint frá helstu samþykktum, innri reglum og stefnum borgarinnar, auk umfjöllunar um innra eftirlit, áhættustýringu og endurskoðun, samfélagsábyrgð, siðareglur og ófjárhagslegar upplýsingar. Yfirlýsingin er birt með ársreikningi ár hvert.

Húsnæðis-, atvinnu- og nýsköpunarmál

The City of Reykjavik's housing policy is that all citizens have safe and affordable housing, whether or not people need support with their own housing issues. The City of Reykjavik's housing policy covers the housing needs of all city dwellers, regardless of property form, size or quality of housing.

The City of Reykjavik's housing programme is based on the City of Reykjavik's strategic objectives in the area of housing and on the legal environment and analyses of the situation on the housing market. It defines the main areas of construction in Reykjavik and how the construction of residential buildings for all citizens will be carried out in collaboration with the trade union movement, housing cooperatives, senior citizens' organisations, students and private individuals.

Employment and innovation policies

Future development of accommodation activities in. Prospects aimed at a wide range of accommodation activities delivering
maintain maximum benefits for residents, operators and the community as a whole.

Downtown affairs policy. “Downtown Reykjavik is the capital city for all its citizens, with a strong and healthy residential community, a wide range of occupations, and a cultural and human life that reflects the cultural heritage of both the nation and the emerging and globalized city. It's great for living, working, and hosting.”

Íþrótta- og tómstundamál

    City of Reykjavik policy on sport. Our vision for 2030 is that as many as possible Smokers do regular sports, exercise or other physical activity.

    Reykjavik Primary Schools The guiding principle of Vision 20 will be that the quality of life of the city's citizens and the City of Reykjavik's special place and opportunities as a destination for tourists.

    Policies for young people aged 16 and over are a long-term strategy. It is intended to achieve certain objectives and provide an overview of the situation of young people. The Strategy works across the city and is intended to have a positive impact on their activities, projects and work programmes.


    Reykjavik City Food Policy 2018-2025 (in Icelandic only) The vision of the Strategy is for the City of Reykjavik to be a workplace with attractions for talented and ambitious people working for the city.

    • Reykjavik City Food Policy 2018-2025 (in Icelandic only)

    The City of Reykjavik's revised strategy against bullying, harassment and workplace violence is a sub-strategy of the City of Reykjavik's HR Strategy that takes a clear position against all forms of violence such as bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and workplace violence and includes more specific implementation of responsibilities, prevention and procedures.

    The City of Reykjavik's equal pay policy covers all city staff. City of Reykjavik staff shall enjoy equal pay and the same preferences for the same and/or equally valuable jobs. There shall be no unexplained gender pay gap.

    The City of Reykjavik's Health Policy

    The City of Reykjavik's Presence Policy aims to support and protect employees from absences from work, accidents, illnesses or incidents for longer or shorter periods of time, and to reduce absences through targeted measures.

    Mannréttinda- og lýðræðismál

    The City of Reykjavik's human rights policy is grounded in the human rights provisions of the Constitution and international treaties, such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The principle of human rights is based on the principle of equality and is aimed at ensuring that all human beings enjoy human rights irrespective of their origin, nationality, ethnic origin, race, language, colour, religion, life or political views, religious belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender identity, age, disability, marital status, physical make-up, health status, sexual orientation or other status.

    The City of Reykjavik's policy on immigration, refugees and applicants for international protection is based on the Immigration Act No. 116/2002, the Aliens Act No. 80/2016, the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention relating to the Legal Status of Refugees, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights.

    The City of Reykjavik's democratization strategy aims to strengthen the democratic participation of the city's citizens and further formalise the ability of the population to influence issues concerning them.

    Menningar- og ferðamál

    The City of Reykjavik's cultural policy aims to ensure that by 2030 all residents have equal opportunities to enjoy art, culture and cultural heritage as both participants and consumers.

    The City of Reykjavik's tourism policy. The specialty of the destination Reykjavik is to offer you a living and avant-garde city culture, a vibrant arts scene, knowledge creation, high-quality services, outdoor opportunities, and unique nature surrounded by the city.

    Skóla- og frístundamál

    The City of Reykjavik's education policy provides a basis for advanced school and recreation based on the strengths of Icelandic society. At the same time, it is intended to meet the challenges of continuous societal and technological changes that transform children's upbringing situations and traditional conceptions of education.

    Policy on Recreation Services in. The guiding principle of the City of Reykjavik is to offer a wide range of health-promoting recreation services that
    it encourages active participation, creativity and a better society.

    Policies for multicultural school and recreational activities. The guiding principles of school and recreation are that all children and young people succeed in learning and playing, are socially successful and create opportunities to be proud of their background and culture.

    The social education policy is based on the idea that education encourages people to self-help and greater community participation. Adult education is part of the services provided by the City of Reykjavik to its population.

    Locking direction of a kindergarten. During preschool years, an important foundation is laid for the development of children, which prepares them for reading classes later on.

    A reading policy for City of Reykjavik elementary schools. The 2011 General Part of the Primary Education Curriculum identifies legibility as one of the basic elements of education designed to bring out the essence of general education and to promote continuity in the school setting.

    A school without distinction is based on the recognition and participation of all students. The curriculum is meaningful for all students and the learning environment is characterized by multiplicity. Every student enjoys respect and support to achieve the best possible result.

    Strategy for music education in The aim of the City of Reykjavik is for children at the youngest level of primary education to come into contact with music, such as music lessons, audiovisual presentations, choral work, audiovisual performances, ensembles, stage performances and more.

    Special education in kindergartens. The 2007 programme of activities of the Academy states that a task force should be set up to undertake a review of the city's current policy on special education.

    Stefna Reykjavíkurborgar um byggingar fyrir skóla- og frístundastarf skapar umgjörð um starf í anda menntastefnu borgarinnar. Jafnframt er hún leiðarljós sem tekur mið af „Græna plani“ Reykjavíkurborgar sem er framtíðarsýn um borgarsamfélag sem einkennist af heilnæmu umhverfi, jöfnum tækifærum og öflugu atvinnulífi sem gengur ekki á náttúruauðlindir.

    Umhverfis- og skipulagsmál

    The Reykjavik Master Plan is a strategy for the future development of the city. The Master Plan determines where future residential and professional areas will be located, where new streets and paths will lead, and which areas will be taken from residential to outdoor.

    City of Reykjavik environment and resource policy. The quality of life of present and future generations of the city's inhabitants will be ensured by valuing the wealth inherent in the service of nature and a clean environment. Nature's services will be strengthened and negative environmental impacts minimized.

    City of Reykjavik Climate Policy. “The city of Reykjavik’s goal is to become carbon neutral before the year 2040 and to adapt to climate change in an environmentally sound and human friendly manner.

    Biodiversity policy. Biodiversity refers to the heterogeneity of the biomass in people's environments, from individuals and populations of individual species to habitats and ecosystems.

    The Reykjavik Cycling Programme is a report published by the Environment and Planning Department designed to create an environment that encourages cycling so that Reykjavik becomes a better cycling city.

    Waste Action Plan. Efficient waste management brings financial, social and environmental benefits for local communities and their residents. Waste cases are part of municipal statutory basic services and an important caseload within their operations.

    The Green City, Environment and Resource Policy and EcoTransport. The City of Reykjavik wants to strengthen its role as a green city. This includes a greatly increased emphasis on structural sealing and mixing of construction patterns, on good access to a wide variety of outdoor and natural areas, and on enhancing eco-friendly modes of travel.

    The Car and Bicycle Parking Policy describes the requirements for the number of car and bicycle parking spaces, within a plot of land, in Reykjavík for new buildings and/or renovations built and forming part of the car and bicycle parking policy of the Reykjavik City Master Plan.

    Co-tourism in Reykjavik is a strategic area of public transport in Reykjavik.

    The City of Reykjavik's Road Safety Programme covers, among other things, the current status and trends of accidents, the City of Reykjavik's objectives as well as the priorities to be given when working on road safety issues for the period 2019-2023.

    Climate policy Contributing to a beautiful city whose green spaces create a transition for healthy outdoor living, education, and cultivation has been a guiding principle of the city's program since the last century.

    Reykjavik's playground policy is to ensure that the city's playground environment meets the needs and wishes of children in Reykjavik.

    Velferðar- og lýðheilsumál

      The City of Reykjavik's welfare policy is conceived as a guide for city residents and, at the same time, for welfare workers.

      The City of Reykjavik's prevention policy for the issue of children and adolescents and their parents is being pursued taking into account the experience and achievements of prevention in the EU.
      the city and the societal changes that have occurred over the last few years

        Reykjavik City Documentation Policy 2014-2019

      The City of Reykjavik's policy in the field of welfare technology stipulates that the City of Reykjavik should use welfare technology to make it easier for people to live in their own homes with a better quality of life, despite ageing, disability or illness, and also enable them to be more active participants in society.

      The City of Reykjavik's policy on services for people with disabilities in its homes will, during its term of validity, be accompanied by a plan of action designed to bring City of Reykjavik services closer to the vision for the future each year.

      City of Reykjavik policy on senior citizens' issues. The City of Reykjavik should be an age-friendly and health-enhancing city, taking into account the needs of all residents. An accessible, attractive and suitable city is an age-friendly city.

      The City of Reykjavik's policy on the issue of homeless people with high and complex service needs has the prospect that all residents have equal opportunities to lead a good and humane life and no Smoker is forced to sleep outside.

      City of Reykjavik food policy. The main objective of developing a food policy is to promote better health for Smokers, strengthen meal services, and support the city in achieving its goals in terms of safety, sustainability, public health, and economic efficiency.

        Reykjavik City Food Policy 2018-2022 (in Icelandic only)

      The Public Health Policy was approved by the City of on October 5, 2021. Work on the Strategy was ongoing in the winter of 2020-2021 in collaboration with the City, the Office of the Surgeon General and the Metropolitan Health Service.

        Þjónustu-, samskipta- og upplýsingamál

        The City of Reykjavik's Services Strategy outlines the city's consistent vision of what service provision is all about. It thus benefits staff in their daily duties as soon as they set standards and metrics for the services of the city in general.

        The City of Reykjavik's information policy is based on the principle that sophisticated treatment and dissemination of information are a key factor in the functioning of the city. It is designed to make access to information and services for city residents more affordable, efficient and meaningful.

        The City of Reykjavik's language policy. A problematic, clear and easily understood issue, whether written or spoken, is a key part of all City of Reykjavik services and governance. All key information about the City's services shall, in addition to Icelandic, also be available in English and other languages as far as possible.

        The City of Reykjavik's policy on interpreting and translation services means that City of Reykjavik staff are focused on providing good service to all citizens of the city and fulfilling their guidance and information obligations.

        The City of Reykjavik stresses the importance of ensuring that all processing of personal data within the municipality is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the privacy legislation, as well as the policies of the City’s departments and central administration.

          City of Reykjavik Privacy Policy

        The City of Reykjavik's document policy is designed to ensure the safe handling and possession of official documents in the interests of citizens' rights, the city's administration and the preservation of City of Reykjavik history.

        The Policy on the Use of Information Technology at the City of Reykjavik 2018-2022 provides a basis for the use of information technology in the City of Reykjavik's operations and services for a period of five years.

        The policy lays down a foundation for the use of IT in administration.

        City of Reykjavik statement on information security. The role of the IT department is to ensure the security of the department's and its customers' information in terms of secrecy, correctness and availability.

        The City of Reykjavik's international policy. The guiding principle of the policy is that the City of Reykjavik is actively involved in foreign cooperation in order to better carry out its tasks and to strengthen its position in the cultural, administrative and professional fields.


        The Owners' Policy of Cottage hf. seeks to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the owner of the company, the City of Reykjavik, and the owner's involvement in decisions on important issues and strategic objectives. Thus, the ownership policy should ensure transparent, professional and efficient management of the company.

        Harpa's ownership policy for Harpa's business and operations – Music and Conference Building ohf. owned by the Icelandic State and the City of Reykjavik.

        The Waste Owner Policy seeks to clarify the roles, responsibilities and duties of the owners and to ensure their participation in decisions on important issues and strategic objectives.

        Street Owners' Policy bs. seeks to clarify the roles, responsibilities and obligations of the owners and to ensure their participation in decisions on important issues and strategic objectives.

        The Energy Ownership Policy seeks to clarify the roles, responsibilities and duties of the owners and to ensure their participation in decisions on important issues and strategic objectives.

        Municipal cooperation agreement for the operation of the Capital Ski Resorts. The municipalities of Mosfellsbær, Reykjavik, Kópavogur, Seltjarnarnesbær, Garðabær and Hafnarfjörður jointly operate the Capital Ski Resort.