Reykjavík Art & Culture in 2030

The City's Cultural Policy "Culture and Arts in Reykjavík 2023" was approved by the City Council on November 16, 2021. The Policy includes an action plan through 2023.

The Policy has three main focus areas

  • Lifelong inclusion and access to culture and arts for residents
  • Reykjavík - a city where artists enjoy living and working
  • Culture and arts in all city districts


Future vision

Reykjavík City's Cultural Policy aims to provide all residents equal opportunities to enjoy arts, culture, and cultural heritage as participants and consumers by 2030. The city's cultural and artistic life should reflect its diverse population, not be uniform.

Reykjavík City aims to create outstanding conditions for artistic creation, making Reykjavík a desirable city for artists to live and work in. Reykjavík should become a world-renowned cultural city, attracting tourists specifically to experience its art and culture.

All city districts should be melting pots of arts and culture, reflecting each area's unique character and history. All city residents should have equal opportunities to participate in and enjoy culture and arts in their local environment.”