Increase user empowerment in the Department of Welfare

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Define the service factors of the welfare service and their interplay with key collaborators both within and beyond Reykjavík City, with the aim of integrating and coordinating the services for all service users. Actions that will empower service users include:

- Increasing diversity and options within rehabilitation resources of the Department of Welfare.

- Increasing workplaces participating in Reykjavík City's employment and activity promotion for people receiving financial assistance.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2025

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

Work has begun to increase support options for service users at Virknihús, including offering Activity Support Team classes in English and starting morning meetings in English for participants in the Tinna Aid project. A pilot project is being considered to better reach young men receiving financial assistance. A total of 62 jobs were filled in 2023 through the Activity Support Team. This employment involved 33 companies and institutions. Reykjavík City made 13 of these hires. Among these, 25 training contracts were made for individuals receiving financial assistance, spanning 16 workplaces. A significant part of the Activity Support Team's activities involves establishing connections with businesses and securing jobs for service users receiving financial assistance.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023

Virknihús Activity Center currently offers classes for job seekers in both Icelandic and English. Individuals receiving financial assistance for living expenses have been offered financial education from the Debtors' Ombudsman at Virknihús. Preparations for activity classes at Centers and Virknihús are concluding, with a plan for joint classes this fall. From October 2022 to June 1, 2023, 39 individuals obtained employment with the help of the Activity Support Team (AVM). Of these, 12 got jobs through training support provided by the Directorate of Labor, IPS, and AVM. These are tripartite agreements where Reykjavík City pays an amount equivalent to the highest rate of financial assistance, 228,689 ISK, for six months. If the job proportion is less than 100%, the support adjusts accordingly. Most of the companies involved are in the private sector, with 30 hires, while nine hires were within Reykjavík City's work sites. The companies include Batteríið Architects, Boðleið, Hotel Konsulat, Garðlist, Tölvutek, and Góði hirðirinn. Within Reykjavík City, the hires include Hulduheimar Preschool, the Work Depot in Árbær (USK), the Office of the Welfare Department, Droplaugarstaðir, and the International Team. Digital education on cultural sensitivity is ready on Torgið, and, in cooperation with the Department of Service & Innovation, education on service culture will be prepared.

January 2023 The existing survey software does not offer automation in service surveys. Work is underway on implementing new survey software under the leadership of ÞON. One of the prerequisites for this new system is the ability to conduct a service survey following the provision of services. The project kicks off at the start of 2023, and a bidding process is planned for the subsequent steps. An accessibility survey was conducted as part of the Welfare Policy work-flow. The survey will be carried out next spring, in 2023. Work has begun on defining service components. It was decided to wait until organizational changes were completed at the centers, along with the first phase implementation of 'A Better City for Children'. Some of the work coincided with these improvements.
July 2022 From November 1, 2020, to April 31, 2022, the focus was on hiring within Reykjavík City (labor market project). During this period, a job training agreement was made with one private market company, the City Theater. However, several agreements were made with companies in the B operations of Reykjavík City. From May 1, 2022, to the end of June, 25 have found jobs. Of these, 19 have gone to private market companies, and 6 have been hired by Reykjavík City. Agreements have been made with six companies. Most roles have been without job training contracts. However, the Employment & Activity Center has provided job search assistance, such as help with resume preparation, job search on Alfreð, and preparation for job interviews.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments: