Sex education

According to educational law, all children shall receive sex education at every education level. You can find materials, projects, and education related to sex education here.
Sex education for all levels of primary school - Toolboxes
- Sex education – youngest level Ideas for teaching materials, icebreakers, and instructional guides along with other informative content.
- Sex education – middle level Ideas for teaching materials, icebreakers, and instructional guides along with other informative content.
- Sex education – adolescent level Ideas for teaching materials, icebreakers, and instructional guides along with other informative content.
- Sex education – materials for staff Ideas for teaching materials, icebreakers, and instructional guides along with other informative content.
What is comprehensive sex education?
Comprehensive sex education focuses on various aspects of sexual health: physical, social, and emotional. By providing comprehensive sex education to children and youth, we help them understand themselves and take responsibility for their own sexual health and well-being. We also give them the opportunity to have safe and fulfilling sexual relationships while considering the well-being of others.
It's recommended to create a plan for each grade, covering all themes and gradually deepening students' knowledge. It's important to adapt the teaching and materials to the age group being taught.
Pornography is not sex education!
Children and young people need education about the harmful effects of pornography due to its prevalence and accessibility. Efforts should be made to prevent or address their viewing of pornography.
Interest in and curiosity about sex is normal and healthy. However, many young people in Iceland get most of their information about sex from pornography rather than quality sex education.
There is a significant difference between real sex and what is seen in pornography. Porn does not emphasize communication, consent, boundaries, safety, and well-being. Pornography consumption threatens the sexual health of young people.
Week6 is the sixth week of the year. It has become established as an annual sexual health week in all primary schools and recreation centers. During Week6, all children and adolescents in the City should receive some form of sex education. Find sex education for all primary school levels here.