Office of the City Council
The Office of the City Council conducts all administration for the City Council, City Executive Council, Presidium, and various other committees. This includes the receipt and handling of documentation, the preparation of meetings, such as the drafting and broadcasting of agendas, the conduct of meetings, including the drafting of minutes, and advice to the Chair and other meeting participants. In addition, the completion of documentation and notification of concluded matters, publication of minutes of meetings, and providing information to the public.
The Office
The Office is responsible for serving City Councilors and other elected representatives on Reykjavík City committees and councils, including for legal advice, education, and managing their remuneration and working facilities at Tjarnargata 12. The Office provides support to City Councilors for telephone appointments, telephone answering, and consultations with the City Councilors. The Office also provides various advice to the specialized councils and committees, as well as to their employees, such as legal advice on procedural rules for meetings, taking minutes, and Reykjavík City’s administrative system.
The Office of the City Council manages general elections in Reykjavík, including completion of the voter register, preparation of polling stations, mobilization of personnel, conducting balloting, and counting votes.
The Office is also responsible for tasks relating to reviews of catering and accommodation business licenses. The Office receives review requests from the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík and is responsible for the review process as a whole in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Restaurants, Lodging, and Entertainment.
The Office of the City Council is also responsible for handling requests for Reykjavík City to reconsider matters, guidance to the public on procedures for reconsideration allowances and complaints. In addition to this, the Office carries out the drafting of legal opinions for the City Council, City Executive Council, Presidium, and various other committees and councils of the City, as well as for City Councilors.
Office of the City Council Staff
- Helga Björk Laxdal, Director – Office of the City Council, 2nd Deputy Mayor - Hildur Lilliendahl Viggósdóttir, Project Manager for Quality and Elections - Bjarni Þóroddsson, Project Manager and Substitute Director (on maternity leave) - Hulda Hólmkelsdóttir, Administrative Project Manager - Ívar Vincent Smárason, Administrative Project Manager - Ólöf Magnúsdóttir, Office of the City Council Project Manager - Viktoria Julia Laxdal, Project Manager - Managing Catering And Accommodation Business Licenses - Eiríkur Búi Halldórsson, Project Manager