Neighborhood plan for Laugardalur

Neighborhood plan for Laugardalur

Dear Laugardalur residents!

This introductory page marks the beginning of extensive consultation with residents on the creation of a neighborhood plan for District 4, which extends in all cardinal directions from Laugardalur, the heart of Reykjavík.

The aim is to present draft proposals for Laugardalur's neighborhood plan here in the first half of 2024. The draft proposals will outline ideas for specific areas and explain how the main priorities of the neighborhood plan will be implemented.

Work not started
Idea search and policy making
Presentation of working proposals
Presentation of final proposals
Neighborhood plan enacted

Eco-friendly transportation

Safe connections between neighborhoods.


My property

Residents' rights to alterations and additions to their properties.


Green initiatives

Preservation of vegetation and enhancement of open spaces.


My neighborhood

Neighborhoods evolve with changing priorities.



Residents have an opportunity to influence the planning process.

Development sites in my neighborhood

Here you can learn about the designated major development sites for dwellings in Reykjavík's municipal plan. The plan stipulates that further densification opportunities should be explored in the neighborhood planning process.