Neighborhood plan for Árbær
Neighborhood plan for Árbær
The neighborhood plan for Ártúnsholt, Árbær, and Selás neighborhoods along with guidelines, took effect in November 2019 with its publication in Division B of the Official Gazette.
A neighborhood plan is a planning policy for established neighborhoods. It replaces older land-use plans.
Planning documents
In the Urban Planning Viewer, you can find all formal planning documents for Árbær's neighborhood plan; outline plan, provisions, and general report.

Results of substantial consultation
During the work on the neighborhood plan, numerous ideas and proposals emerged. After extensive consultation, the proposals were revised, and some were discarded. A special consultation report, which can be found below, explains the consultation process and how feedback was handled.
The neighborhood plan guidelines are an innovation in Icelandic planning matters and are included with all the neighborhood planning programs of the City. They are based on the policy making of the municipal plan of Reykjavík and are designed to guide the application of various authorizations detailed in the provisions of neighborhood plans.