Interpretation services

An illustration that describes user-centric services.

The City of Reykjavík is committed to providing good service to all residents and fulfilling its obligation to provide guidance and information. According to the City of Reykjavík's Human Rights Policy, people of foreign origin should have easy access to the City's services. Always call an interpreter when needed and/or when requested by the user. The service is provided free of charge to the user.

City of Reykjavík's Framework Agreement

The following companies have a framework agreement for interpretation and translation services with the City of Reykjavík. The agreement is valid from June 27, 2022 to June 27, 2026.


Instructions for city residents who are not native speakers of Icelandic

  • You may need interpreter assistance.
  • The City of Reykjavík orders interpreters:
  1. During parent-teacher meetings in primary schools and preschools,
  2. When providing social services
  3. In child protection cases.
  • Sometimes you may need to request an interpreter yourself. Don't be afraid to say that you need the service. It's your right.
  • According to the law, immigrants in Iceland have the right to an interpreter for healthcare, when contacting the police, and in court.
  • The relevant institution should pay for the interpreter.
  • Interpreters are bound by confidentiality in their work.

Guidelines for staff for using interpreters in interviews

  • Children should never be used as interpreters.
  • Call an interpreter to ensure that accurate information is conveyed when residents do not speak the same language as you.
  • Ensure impartiality, confidentiality, and professional conduct in your communication with residents who do not speak the same language as you.
  • Familiarize yourself with Reykjavík City's guidelines on interpretation and translation services and interpreter codes of conduct.
  • Familiarize yourself with framework agreements and current fee schedules for interpretation and translation services.
  • Practical information for staff

Contact us

For more information, contact