Reykjavík City Action Plan on Equality & Human Rights 2023-2026

The Action Plan was approved at the City Council meeting on June 20, 2023. The Plan is based on the Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender, Article 13 of the Act on Administration of Matters Concerning Equality, and the City of Reykjavík's Human Rights Policy. The plan supersedes the Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy 2019-2022.

Action Plan on Equality & Human Rights

The plan sets out goals and actions to prevent discrimination and promote equality and human rights in four main areas that reflect the diverse roles of the City; as a public authority, as an employer, as a service provider, and as a partner.

Reykjavík as a public authority

Reykjavík City aims to be leading in equality, human rights, and cooperation with residents. By transparent decision-making, the City assures decisions are made with the residents' interests in mind.

Reykjavík as an employer

Achieving equality in human resources is targeted, as required by equal rights legislation. Through organized equality work, the City ensures everyone benefits from equal rights at all City workplaces.

Reykjavík as a service provider

All City institutions engage in targeted and systematic work to define and develop services, cultural activities, training, and information dissemination promoting equality and a diverse society. Everyone should have equal access to services, and these services consider people's different needs. Positive interaction and mutual respect should be reflected in all City services.

Reykjavík as a partner and client

The City emphasizes collaboration with other public entities, the academic community, private parties, and associations that work in the field of equal rights and human rights. It also emphasizes that all parties whom the City does business with respect human rights.

Contact us

If you want more information about the Reykjavík City Action Plan on Equality and Human Rights, you can contact the City's Human Rights & Democracy Office, which oversees the progress of the plan while it is in effect.