About the Building Commissioner

The statutory role of the Building Commissioner is to manage and oversee construction in the city. The Building Commissioner operates based on civil engineering laws, building regulations, and City Council approvals of the Building Commissioner's official duties.
Inquiries to the Building Commissioner
You can send a formal inquiry before starting design to check if it's likely that a building permit will be granted for the development. Final plans do not need to be included, saving design costs if it's determined that the development does not comply with planning, laws, and regulations. Please note that a response to an inquiry does not grant permission for construction.
Building Commissioner Activities
The statutory role of the Building Commissioner is to manage and oversee construction in the city. The Building Commissioner operates based on civil engineering laws, building regulations, and City Council approvals of the Building Commissioner's official duties.
Blueprint Archive
Site plans and detail plans of structures in Reykjavík are available on the City's Blueprint Archive.

Meeting minutes
Applications are reviewed at the Building Commissioner’s permit review meeting every Tuesday. Meeting minutes are posted on the website as soon as possible after the meeting.

Did you know?
The Office of the Building Commissioner is the successor to the Building Committee established in 1839. The Office is nearly 200 years old, making it the oldest in Iceland.
Did you know?
The Building Commissioner’s Office in Reykjavík was the first building commissioner’s office to receive ISO:9001 certification.
Contact us
Contact the construction representative by sending an email to info@reykjavik.is
Include “Berist til byggingarfulltrúa” (For the Building Commissioner) in the subject line of your email and make sure the email contains the address and/or case number as applicable.
The City's Service Center can help with general inquiries by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at info@reykjavik.is