Processing of applications to the Building Commissioner

After applying for a building permit or other permissions from the Building Commissioner, the application is reviewed at a permit review meeting. Inquiries are handled off-meeting and answered as quickly as possible.

Processing by the Building Commissioner



Submit documents
Permit Review Meeting
Submit documents
Permit Review Meeting
Submit documents
Permit Review Meeting

What happens after applying for a building permit?

  • A confirmation email is sent to the provided addresses when the application is received. The email requests additional documents if needed and issues an invoice for the minimum fee to the registered payer.
  • Once all relevant documents and information have been received, the application is reviewed and feedback is requested from Reykjavík Public Health and fire department.
  • The case is reviewed in a processing meeting and the results are emailed to the applicant and designer.

Case postponed

Cases are postponed if:

Once updated documents have been received and concerns addressed, the case is reviewed again.

Case approved

If no concerns are raised about the application, the case is approved. The applicant and designer receive an approval letter along with a checklist for builders about a week later. Please note that even if the case is approved in the meeting, construction cannot commence immediately. You need an issued building permit for that.

Blueprint submission

All electronic detail plans and blueprints must be submitted for approval of the Building Commissioner through the building portal, signed (watermarked) by both the specialist designer and the design manager. Detailed drawings should be submitted as a single PDF file, if applicable, with each PDF file being up to 20 MB in size.


  • Site plans do not need to be submitted to the Building Commissioner with the lead designer's signature as they are sealed electronically through the electronic signature system Dokobit.
  • Site plans are electronically sealed after approval in the Permit Review Meeting.
  • The design manager can expect an email from Dokobit requesting a signature up to 3 weeks after the Permit Review Meeting.

Electronic ID

  • The design manager must sign with an electronic ID. It is important to review what is being signed carefully.
  • Please note that having an electronic ID is essential for these registrations.
  • You can apply for digital credentials from banks, phone companies, or Auðkenni at Borgartún 31.

Contact us

Contact the construction representative by sending an email to

Include “Berist til byggingarfulltrúa” (For the attention of the Building Commissioner) in the subject line, and ensure the email contains the address and/or case number as applicable.

The City's Service Center can help with general inquiries by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, and through email at